Dendreonaire's Profile

Dendreonaire's Posts

12th Monitors report

We missed it..

about 10 years ago
Re: A bit more on Highbury.

Are there parallels? Seems to me our case is much diffferent. In scope and award amount.

Would anyone here like to explain more on this victory for Vz?

I would think our case has a much different direction.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Ven will grab anything they need!

Thank goodness Vz. didn't use the CRYFQ shs.....We know the diplomats had some but held back knowing they would confiscate one last effort to keep the legacy of Hugo alive.....

They know were going to a buck twenty five.....

almost 11 years ago
Re: Not bad huh MOMG (Relist stock, Dendreonaire)

Thanks, I have well thought this one over and come to the conclusion I have absolutley exhausted all ideas of how,why,where or when this nightmare ends but tonight and with the brutal dispute between big oil and Vz. I see some light.

At the moment our shares are in limbo, a resesitation of the 11' and 12' filings have been made.

Oct. we meet teleconference with ISCID,Vz. and KRY legal

Nov 11th week


Nov 18th week we serve up the whoop ass to the ISCID.

Good luck warriors!

about 11 years ago
Re: ConocoPhillips decision

My worry is still collection. Heck, with all that oil and BIT agreements we should be able to recover.

We also could be paid in tranches. I was told Vz. has paid but only smaller claims were paid in full with the rest being in tranches.

Good luck warriors!

about 11 years ago
San Mateo
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