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Deal or No Deal's Posts

Re: In FLA

Hey gonoles,

I have been busy trying to find us work! and watching my other investment continue to climb.

And I am sure you heard, we drafted Tim NoThrow Tebow. Your going to love hearing about a Gator everyday from now on!! :)

over 14 years ago
Re: What no discussion

Oh man!! Your right. That action was incredible. You closed where you opened. Amazing!!!!

Think I will go back to watching the paint dry and Spring grass take root. Same ol same ol at FO. Not sure why I check in but it is amuzing.......

over 14 years ago
Re: Falcon update

The first item is Exxon. Chris explains that Exxon has successfully drilled a well into a fractured tight gas system which was in contact with fresh water aquifer. The micro-fractures cannot be seen on seismic; therefore it was not a glaring technical error. To pursue the opportunity, there is a need for better methodology, and without it this could be a consistent risk throughout the Makó trough.

Hence, there was no incentive for Exxon to continue the work on Falcon’s land, because the refinement of the seismic to identify non-fractured zones could take over a year to re-process plus requires additional drilling information.

IMO Hungary: FO has water and to proceed needs better methodolgy to go forward. Water aquifer in all drill sites and land is a consistent risk. Refinement of seismic will take at least another year to re-process. This report could not be worse for a company out of money and, who would partner with them based on this information?

The Beetaloo Basin is a gas prone area, and a number of operators made previous attempts to commercialize it.

Falcon is pursuing the tight gas opportunities, where they have drilled a well and waiting for the area to dry up over the next couple of months to pursue the completion of this well.

IMO Australia: Sounds a lot like Mako. Others have tried but somehow Falcon is going to make it work. Hopefully the testing will go well for you guys and I am sure Marc with his "oil for blood" sense has found the sweet spot when no else could on this acerage. As for the wet season, this has to be a record in regards to rainfall. Maybe Noah is building his arc there?

The agreement Falcon has is merely an opportunity to review the data and put in an application on an area for unconventional exploration. It’s a non-exclusive agreement where there are other majors reviewing other areas of this basin. The challenge here is that South Africa has a limited distribution system for NG and the use of feedstock for industrial purposes limited due to the country’s overwhelming coal reserves, which also makes it politically sensitive due to the need for employment for coal mines.

IMO South Africa: Not sure why some of you are already putting this in the FO portfolio based on "review of data with no application". I have a lot of proposal I am working on here at work and I am know thinking maybe I should just go down the hall to accounting and tell them to book all of them as revenue even though I don't have the accounts yet. And once again that word "challenge" is used.

Overall, I personelly believe that unless Falcon can work some drills that don't have have them on the investor list of "highly speculative" that this company, like many other Bruner companies investing in "science experiments," will fail. Time will tell.....

over 14 years ago
Re: Hello

Okay. You will close tomorrow at .18. Next week at .18. And by July or so....18!!.

No gain, but hey!, no loss :)

over 14 years ago

Dear Square Eddie,

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am an analyst dedicated to providing information and insight into the company by the name of Falcon Oil, Gas & Water.

My current viewpoint as of March 29, 2010 would be to RUN! RUND AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!

over 14 years ago
Re: Falcon in South Africa #2

American shale-gas explorer Falcon Oil and Gas

Hmm. I thought they were out of Canada? Maybe having Bruner's family in Denver makes them a US company. Either way, unless they find some partners, applications have no value since right now they are almost out of money and can't act on any of their investments without help. Sorry. Go Gators!! Just kidding :)

over 14 years ago
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