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Dark Knight's Posts

Re: The future of the iPhone 8

IMHO, the TRAB was initiated by former management, the key point.  That regime had an entirely different strategy than the current one.  When this current managment took over, they completely changed the focus of the company, with a new, clear vision.  I believe the Apple speculation is counter-productive, the dot had its head cut off and sometimes the simpliest explanation is reality.  Could Apple be in our future, sure why not, if the technology reaches full potential.  Do I think we have some product in the can, there is much going on behind the scenes with Apple at the moment, no I don't.  As a matter of fact, I would bet money that TRAB didn't meet for a long, long time prior to this announcement.  Anyways, that's my opinion, I glaze over at the insistence of continuing the Apple talk, but you know what they say about opinions...  Cheers.

over 7 years ago
Re: Newest Issue of Semiconductor Today Mag

So long as delays aren't related to the technology, I'm fine with headlines like that.  

over 7 years ago
Re: It's not complicated: Shash

Would you mind sharing some more observations from your visit?  The "beehive of activity" comment was quite alluring, both because it suggests much is happening obviously, as well as lots of changes from what DenseLight had previously.  My personal opinion is that DL has taken way more time and money to get to up to world class than anyone anticipated.  Thanks in advance.

over 7 years ago
Patrick Thong

Here is the resume of our new Vice President of Operations, if anyone is interested, pretty impressive:  https://sg.linkedin.com/in/patrick-thong-728b684

over 7 years ago
Re: Strategic release of news - good vs. bad

I didn't realize he was leaving, I read he's staying on as special advisor to CEO, so your premise is flawed.  I think Rick the Vet has it right on this move.  

over 7 years ago
Re: Strategic release of news - good vs. bad

Exactly.  My wife asked if this was good news and I said why would a guy leave a company with 1.3 billion in sales for one with 1 million?  That speaks volumes to me.

over 7 years ago
Dark Knight
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