Daddy's Profile

Daddy's Posts

Re: It would seem takeout is immanent folks.....

If a takeout unfolds as you suggest, any guesses, at this rediculous price, what kind of "premium" might be offered?

about 14 years ago
Re: The signal

The Leafs are 7 - 3 - 0 in their last 10 games....can't use a Leaf win as your signal....they have been winning.

Something (maybe many things) is not right with NOT. Over the past 3 years (or so) we have had good NR after good NR and except for that run up to $7, we have gone down, down, down. I have no idea what is required for this to take off other than keep getting positive results until someone decides they better jump on us before somebody else gets this gem. When will that happen? Go see your psychic, flip a coin, get out the crystal ball, then forget it all and just wait and hope.

This is like purgatory!

Holding with a yawn.

over 14 years ago

You might just want to leave it at that but you have opened a very nasty can of worms with your comments. I suggest you keep a lid on the kind of comments that define a people even if it is just "in your own opinion". There have been people throughout history that have had opinions such as yours and in some cases they led to wars. I presume (thankfully) that you do not have that power but each time a comment like yours is uttered, it puts us all back a step.

Do us all a favour and keep the Archie Bunker mentality off the board.

Thank you!

almost 15 years ago
Re:Noront in negotations with Marten Falls First Nation for exploration deal

Out of respect for the Marten Falls First Nation people, can someone with the power to do so, please remove any posts with the derogatory label in the subject?

I realize that some responses were just calling out the original gaff but those posts should also be removed due to the remaining Subject.



almost 15 years ago
Re: RTQ for everyone no strings

I think the difference is that WebBroker is real-time and the stock quote on here is delayed 15 minutes.

about 15 years ago
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