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DWM's Posts


Let me start by saying - I hope that I am wrong.... but, I have a feeling that the RE will not be out before the end of the month.

I have been reviewing posts from others who have spoken with the company and it feels like there have been a lot of qualifiers added to the timelines of when we will see the RE. Dont get me wrong, I completely understand that Management cant come out and say the RE will be ready at 10am on the 30th and that some generalities are just good sense, it just feels to me that we will be late. While my feeling is that the group on this board is made up more from 'investors' than 'traders',and a lot of us are in this for the long haul, I think that we need to be careful not to get too fixated on seeing this come down before the end of the month and that the contents of the RE (whenever it comes) are more important than the timing.

Just one person's gut feeling.....


over 12 years ago
Re: Any Significance?

I think it is actually a good sign when guys like that show up. To me it means that someone thinks that something good is coming and is trying to take the price down to an entry point they are looking for before the big news hits. Every time they say something negative and the price goes down (for whatever reason) they claim that proves the are right and try to start a stampede of the speculators, driving down the price further. Its a bit harder for one person to get multiple user names and start a chorus on this board with the IP Check tool and that is why we just have the one... Its just my opinion, but I will be watching over the next couple of days and if they get it low enough I guess it's an opportunity for me to pick up some trading (vs investment) shares as well.


over 12 years ago
Re: Does anyone want to guess

I don't think we will see anything until the end of February at the earliest. This is based solely on my 'gut' feeling from reading posts on this board from people who have talked to Sasha and the statement that they have to wait for a bunch of holes to be fully completed and then interpreted before they can report back. I hope i'm wrong, but will be waiting either way...


over 13 years ago
Re: Jenna Green has no malice towards GNH

The internet can be a great and wonderful tool for research. Unfortunately it can also be a source of mistakes, incorrect information (again by mistake or on purpose) which can make the truth sometimes hard to find.

Boards like this are great in some ways in that they can point you in the right direction to do DD on companies in which you are interested. However you should always remember that most of the posters here are hiding behind screen names (including me) and could be anyone with any agenda. The same argument goes for internet 'journalists', you can't see them, you don't know them and they could be anyone serving any agenda.

If you buy or sell this or any stock based on what someone posted on this or any website, you deserve what happens to you. If you buy or sell a stock based on your own DD, treating these sort of posts as entertainment, you will not only sleep better, I suspect your profits will also be better.

Happy New Year to all,


over 13 years ago
Re: Catching a falling knife

.305 for about 250k shares

almost 14 years ago
Stop Loss

Somone from RBC set their stop loss too tight. Dropped $40k shares at the bid at $.92

about 14 years ago
Northern Ontario
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