San Diego deal near completion

Golden Tag has raised enough money to purchase the last 50% of San Diego from Golden Minerals. So this will bring in another $500.000 in cash for Golden Minerals.

about 8 years ago
London gold trade agrees reforms to boost transparency

More blabla from the LBMA. They feel the heat from the SGE, that's clear.

about 8 years ago
Panic in the City of London: advised to think about clients first

Well that must be for the first time in 25 years.

Sources at banks said memos emailed internally to rattled employees advised them to think about clients first.

"I've convened a big team meeting at 0800 GMT as the juniors are freaking out. I will tell them to focus on their job and wait for the volatility to pass but the reality is much, much starker, we'll have a crash and big layoffs," a senior investment banker at a U.S. bank told Reuters.

about 8 years ago
We are just in the first inning

Since a year of 5, I find Eric King too much over the top to take him seriously. However, now and then he has an audio-interview that does make sense.

In the interview below you can here Michael Belkin, who seems to be advising institutional clients for $70.000 per year. Now that is probably the kind of market price that makes institutional investors listen. And since we all know, that he is totally right when he propagates a sector (XAU) that is at par with 39 years ago, in spite of all the money printing driven inflation we have gotten since, this may be the right momentum to be heard.

According to Michael Belkin we are still in the first inning of this bull run. Another 8 innings to come.

over 8 years ago
Re: Nice move today

Nobody knows how many shares sold short nakedly still have to be covered. So I would rather say: Who are the idiots selling so many shares at these prices?

But then, who knows whether this is real trading or just algo's running the price up and down with fake trading. This company has been sold to the devil, when ECU sold it to Golden Minerals.

I hope we will see justice one day.

over 8 years ago
Re: O.T. Today is a sad day!

Positively surprised to hear that from a Major given Ali's refusal to go to Vietnam. I am sharing your opinion about Ali and more so after seeing back the beautiful interviews he gave with Martin Parkinson of the BBC. He was a visionary apart from a perfect athlete.

over 8 years ago
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