DBACK's Profile

DBACK's Posts

Re: a connection to this investment

i agree Molson200.

Almost seems a little cheese starting to slip off the cracker.

almost 9 years ago
Re: IGD to fight vigorously in court

A good reason why the RCMP is no help investigating SLI or any other White Crime appeared in Nov 30 Saskatoon Star Phoenix section NP page 1 & 4. Heading "The Mounties Who Couldn't Get Their Man" Author Douglas Quan--National Post. In summary.The RCMP does not have the man power to devote to investegating Sli or other White Collar crimes, nor the knowledge.

almost 9 years ago
Re: IGD adopts advance notice policy

I wonder if shareholders will be allowed to attend or will there be guards there?

over 9 years ago
Re: Agree

Thumbs up, I agree

Thanks Rick

over 9 years ago
Re: Name that Tune?

Was it Walter White from "Breaking Bad"

almost 10 years ago

Why can The RCMP come up with 31 charges against former Sen Patrick Duffy and not one involving Lori or SLI. Strange.

about 10 years ago
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