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Naked Short Notification from NYSE to Kimber


"Kimber is aware that 2012 and 2013 to date have been very challenging periods for the junior resource market generally," stated James Puplava, Chairman of Kimber Resources. "However, we believe that the unusual trading of Kimber on NYSE MKT has contributed to the decline in the company's share price during these difficult market conditions."

over 11 years ago
Re: Puplava New Chairman of the Board, Barron Returns

Congratulations for staying on the sidelines, and by extension, for holding.

Years ago, I bought Kimber at 75 cents and sold at 1.25. I wish I too had stayed on the sidelines. Regrettably, I bought back in towards the peak and wound up stuck with a cringing cost basis of 1.78. As KBX plummeted, I continued to buy, so my current break even is about 1.09. Now I have a bucketload of Kimber.

Recently I heard someone say, "Wisdom is knowledge plus scars."

over 11 years ago
Barron / Puplava Interview from March 2013


This is purchased content. It's not a freebie.

Okay, I haven't even listened to it. That's pretty sad, posting a link to an interview I've never heard.

But what we have here is the new chairman of our company interviewing our new geologist one month before their appointments. The topic is juniors at rock bottom prices. So it might be of SOME interest.

over 11 years ago
Re: Puplava New Chairman of the Board, Barron Returns

Correction: "So his acceptance of the CEO role..." I meant to say "chairman."

over 11 years ago
Re: Puplava New Chairman of the Board, Barron Returns

Good thoughts, all. Personally, I took this as the first piece of good Kimber news in a year and a half.

We don't know which way Jim will take this. But we do know a few things about Jim:

1. He's vocal about naked short selling. I know there's no regulation in place, and that crooks might scoff at his appointment. But crooks are cowards, and cowards like low-hanging fruit. Might KBX fruit hang a little higher with a higher profile Chairman? Are there so few juniors out there to be targeted by the naked shorts that they must stick with Kimber? If Kimber starts to run, might the simple fact of higher visibility due to Jim prompt the shorters to vacate?

[ I never like naked shorting of KBX as an excuse for its poor performance. But it does take place.]

2. Jim's template is Minefinders, a company that decided its paucity of bidders was so insulting, they just went ahead and mined their land themselves. Whenever JP mentioned Minefinders, I imagined that he was thinking about Kimber. So his acceptance of the CEO role means that going into production is still a credible option. (My doubts were growing at this share price.)

3. JP has often discussed his disdain for juniors who print shares. Yeah, here and there, money will be raised. But as the SP tanked recently, I feared that KBX would launch a big offering, like the final salvo of a sinking ship. In my mind, that's no longer a fear.

4. There are a lot of eyes on Jim. And ears. He is not a faceless executive whose name appears on no more than a Google search, a man who can in relative anonymity watch his company die and still slip into the ether of a comfortable retirement. Beyond his share investment, he has public, name-recognition capital which is now fully invested in Kimber. He cannot quietly leave.

Before, he was just on the board. What did that mean? Read a few reports? Attend a bi-annual meeting? Now, he is the figurehead.

5. It's one thing to answer to shareholders. It's another to answer to CLIENTS. Jim put other people's money into this company, and you best believe he's heard about it all the way down.

In conclusion, we are at a heinous, unthinkable share price of twenty cents. We got as low as thirteen. We are at a nadir of sentiment and valuation. KBX is the lowest it has EVER been. And the price of gold just plummeted, a notch so severe, a four day move is visible on a ten year chart.

Anyone who has imagined himself to be a contrarian needs to take note of just how bad KBX looks right now. And, I hope, Puplava's appointment might be a sign of better times ahead.

over 11 years ago
Puplava New Chairman of the Board, Barron Returns

Kimber Resources, Inc. : kimber makes changes to the board

04/18/2013| 09:31am US/Eastern
Vancouver, British Columbia - Kimber Resources Inc. (NYSE MKT:KBX, TSX:KBR) is pleased to announce the appointment of James J. Puplava, Board member since 2004 and Kimber's largest individual shareholder, to the position of Chairman of the Board. Mr. Puplava replaces Kimber's Chairman Peter Nixon, who has left the Board together with directors Donald Young, Frederick Graybeal and Tim Haldane. Kimber also welcomes back former director Keith Barron, a successful geologist and mining entrepreneur, who has rejoined Kimber's Board of Directors.

"I am delighted to accept the role of Chairman of Kimber Resources and am honored with the confidence the Board has shown in appointing me to this position." said Mr. Puplava. "I have been a large shareholder of Kimber since 2004, and I share in the pain that all of our shareholders feel during these challenging times in the precious metals equity markets. At Kimber, we are working hard to help our shareholders realize the value that we see in our Monterde gold/silver project. In an effort to further advance the Monterde project, especially in this difficult market, we have taken steps to cut our costs significantly and have streamlined the Board structure, reduced monthly operating costs by more than 40% since year-end 2012, and our management team has taken voluntary pay reductions. The Board will continue to take further steps to reduce ongoing cash costs while remaining focused on our core asset of Monterde. The work completed at Monterde has successfully grown and de-risked the project to its current status and Kimber is determined to take additional steps to move Monterde towards a production decision."

over 11 years ago
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