CuuVenturer's Profile

CuuVenturer's Posts

Re: Copper burst higher - now what?

Trump presidency means inflation for commodities as he wants to spend 500B on upgrading infrastructure. Copper is going to soar to new highs.

First, welcome back to the forum. Haven't seen you post for almost a year!

I definitely agree with your statement. What will be interesting to see is how interests rates "adjust" as USA infrastructure spending increases while tax revenues decrease if Trump is able get his lower tax plan implemented. Means big increases to an already huge national deficit nearly $20T now.

Then consider USD$ international cash and treasury reserve holdings of countries worldwide who are now "diversifying" and trading more and more with Chinese yuan and also what appears to be a plateau and falling off of US treasury holding by worldwide central banks. Their slowdown or lack of buying (of US debt) will force higher interest rates regardless of the Federal Reserve policies, interventions, manipulations or desires.

All inflationary forces and big money investors are probably waking up to the fact that this is a big tail wind to commodity prices and COPPER sure seems to be catching that bid. Of course a bit of a short squeeze always helps!

Now if we can just get Elmer and Teck to get things moving!!

almost 8 years ago
Re: Copper burst higher - now what?

You may be right about the "reflation" and it will touch all mineral commodities. And it's the move I've been waiting a few years for and thought it would have begun in earnest 18 months again. My timing sucks, but maybe patience will be rewarded.

almost 8 years ago
Re: News

Hard to find any silver lining in this news release. Just another delay to 1Q2017 for a revised resource model for Schaft Creek and that is IF they do one. He left prently of "wiggle room" to not complete one, or if not in a "timely" manner.

Copper breaks out of a large "pennant formation", currently at US$ 2.44 ..... and CUU shares YAWN !!

almost 8 years ago
Re: News

Let's build a wall to keep out political rhetoric off this board!

almost 8 years ago
Re: Thinking out load...

You know what they say about buying when there's "blood in the street".

I just didn't know it would be my blood. Sure seems like Teck was stringing us along, giving us enough rope and enough hope to HANG ourselves (CUU management), and spend all our cash reserves and will soon be broke.


over 8 years ago
Re: Real News

Which is safer, being an investor in Copper Fox Metals, or a Christian living in an Arab controlled region?

over 8 years ago
Spokane, Washington
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