Cu63's Profile

Cu63's Posts

Re: Convention attending

Well it sure gave me a good laugh and I always feel better after a good laugh.

Coincidently, "Pissant" was the word going through my head as I waded through the drivel on SI (SH 2.0) over the weekend. Fire's definition couldn't be more accurate and I have copied it for future reference.

By the way on the topic of cheap shots, wasn't somebody over there calling Vette a company shill and calling Elmer stupid and ignorant?

Have a nice day!


over 11 years ago
BFS Printing

Copper Fox BFS printing as we speak...

over 11 years ago
Re: Pretium Resources - My Investment Plan

I believe it is a 10,000 tonne bulk sample.



over 11 years ago
Re: Teck Tax Consideration

Thanks Chappy,

I think your numbers are close to what was calculated (probably by you) back when the sale was completed. I think the other sale was around $20 as well.

I think your calculation of the total Liard shares is as close as we can get for now. I wonder what the value of those shares will be when the mine is in full production? Sure would be nice to have a piece of that for my retirement years.


over 11 years ago
Re: Teck Tax Consideration

If a valuation of Liard shares is necessary, could not the price Copper Fox recently paid for Liard shares be used? Also, does anyone know how many Liard shares there are?

OT. Z32Nut2: Glad you mentioned former CRA auditor. I am currently being audited by what I can only describe as a brain dead moron.



over 11 years ago
Re: Options Extended

Please excuse my ignorance of the stock option issue but I wonder if some of the knowlegable posters could clarify this expiry extension for me.

If the extension has to be approved by the disinterested shareholders (kind of a funny term) at the next AGM (this summer?).

What happens to these options in the meantime if we are bought out?

The NR states "certain options". This implies not all options are to be extended. Any way to determine whoses options we are talking about? If they belong to EE, ES and DM perhaps this is the only vote we small fry may have some influence over.

Does this not seem to imply that nothing exciting is going to happen between now and the AGM? Or is this just more smoke.

Thank you.


over 11 years ago
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