Crowlee's Profile

Crowlee's Posts

Re: Miners: Breakout imminent!

I'm not sure about when/if Tyhee will recover but the bullion is certainly going the right direction. The dropping US dollar can be credited for part of that:

I'm figuring a temporary reprieve for the metal will make some buying opportunities within the next couple days. Gold's time has come...back.


over 8 years ago
Re: May I have a drum roll please...

Thanks Isaiah for the info. I am not however convinced that there is a huge expenditure involved in answering questions regarding the IR's. Yes it is a long road to permitting but when promised dates come and go and no progression in that vein is visible...the little red flags start popping up.

Rome and that bridge were not built in a day...but at least there were roads leading to them both. I'm not seeing ours being paved at any great fact we could be waiting until it's frozen over...the roads and hell.


over 11 years ago
Re: May I have a drum roll please... who are these financiers and big guns of which you speak Hansix? How are you privy to such information? If that is what the voice at the end of the telephone is telling you then take it for what it currently is. A voice with no verification necessary or available.

I see chickens and I see eggs. Which will come first? Financing or permitting? I doubt it's permitting.

over 11 years ago
Re: May I have a drum roll please...

"I didn't read anything about permitting timelines tied to the millions of dollars that we need."

Well now here's a thought Hansix...and it's only my thought...which is worth pennies. If I was a Financier, (and so are any other potential investors/shareholders) and I read this part:

"The Review Board has not yet received any responses to party information requests. The developer is required to respond to the information requests and submit an updated project description to the Review Board before technical sessions can be scheduled."

...what message should I read into this? Getting money is more important than getting permission? Isn't that like me asking y'all to chip in and send me a million dollars because I think I might be able to get a good deal on this cool looking bridge that connects Brooklyn to Manhattan? Don't worry about the permission thing...I'll deal with that later.

I feel like I'm from Missouri...the Show Me state. ;-)

over 11 years ago
May I have a drum roll please...


Yellowknife Gold Project - Tyhee NWT Corporation EA0809-003

Status: Awaiting Developer responses to party Information requests.

This is a proposed open pit gold mine 88 kilometres north of Yellowknife, near the former Discovery Mine site. Information requests from the Review Board and parties were submitted to the developer in June, 2012. Tyhee NWT Corporation had indicated that responses would be submitted in September and October, 2012. The Review Board has not yet received any responses to party information requests. The developer is required to respond to the information requests and submit an updated project description to the Review Board before technical sessions can be scheduled.


and the beat goes on. Pa rum pum pum poop.

over 11 years ago
Re: smoke and mirrors...don't buy in


Since your first purchase of 100,000 Tyhee on June 9, 2011 at the "rock bottom" price of .15 cents after reading Mötley Fool. I was just wondering whether you have or have had any regrets in regards to your million plus shares of Tyhee Gold Inc which closed at .04 cents today? What kind of funny smoke is creating the images in the mirror? I have some extra Santa money I need to part with and a stocking telling me to stuff it.

Crow...who is looking for the 12 daze of Christmas.

almost 12 years ago
the Night's Plutonian shore
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