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Re: Quebec Bill 106

Hi Chris, I can see that you are living in Calgary. Do you have any contact with anyone from Questerre. Do you know how and when are they thinking about procceding in Quebec. I think Repsol is quite silent about it.

Thanks in advance.

almost 8 years ago
Michael Binnion tells about Bill 106 - podcast


I would have loved to hear about how QEC will proceed from this point to the next year.  Is he prepairing for some pilotprojects together with Repsol.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Quebec Bill 106

This board seems very much dead. Can't we bring some life in it. Look at and where QEC-boarda are busy and and the same time you get a lot of informations about the things you need.

almost 8 years ago
Quebec Bill 106

I will try to begin some kind of discussion regarding Bill 106 which can allow QEC to frack in Lowland St. Lawrence where QEC has a huge potential. What do you think about the speed of the process for passing the Bill 106 which can make Quebec self sufficent with energy and at the same time huge job oppertunities.

almost 8 years ago
Re: India!!!!!

In India there is always shortage of NG for transport reasons and also for cooking as well. Prices are very high and one has to waste a lot of time to get one cylinder for cooking. In the big cities like New Dehli there are a lot of CNG stations and public transport even taxis are running on CNG. They are adopting this policy in the rest of India city by city. There is a huge market for NG but back side of the medal is corruption and burocracy for getting the permissions and other official works. An other norwegian compny called Rocksource (RGT) is working on NG exploration in India and had big problemes to get all the needed papers and so on.

over 13 years ago

Thanks for the link Rocco.

Yes, I am from Denmark.

Great development for QEC at Oslo today. Up over 7,2%.

almost 14 years ago
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