Colloidal-silverAtoms's Profile

In this thing since 1994! Finally I expect this freaking ship to come in!

Colloidal-silverAtoms's Posts

Re: Can someone....tomorrow and next week....

As always, your expieriecne in legal matters is much appreciated.

Thank you for informative reply.

about 12 years ago
What is with all this PTSC Drama?

While I understand that everyone wants to stay informed and psycho analyze everything including trying to define if the VCO is a Ring Oscillator…… come one now! The court is going to do that for you, I for one am confident that TPL knows that it is not the BOD knows that it is not.

Otherwise why pursue litigation if there is ANY doubt what so ever?

The BOD may as well as take all the cash, close down shop and leave us investors with an empty bag in our hands.

But DUDES….. this is not happening!

Take a Chill PILL.

The BOD knows we are in for a HUGE win, that is why they are still there, the stakes are high the cost to pursue justice is high, but IMHO the pressure is now on the infringers.

You should be confident that they are going to hopefully lose their shirts for stealing patent technology that does not belong to them.

about 12 years ago
Panasonic Question?

Have I been out of the loop that much, I did not know TPL sued Panasonic, the recent Markman posting did not have an actual date as to when that was done, someone kindly inform me as to when that Easter Texas Markman ruling was done.


over 12 years ago
What were they thinking?

IMHO, For Barco and the T3 to bring up Talbot, having their "Fingers Crossed" hoping that the Judge Ward is stupid as to ignore the USPTO determination on Talbot so that they can "hopefully" win on the 336 by ignorance of the Court.

How would the Judge percieve them (Barco and the T3) when TPL actually provides the information that will put bullet holes in thier request for invalidity based on Talbot?

NOT Good IMO, If I were a judge and found out that they knowningly misrepesented information to the court, I would be highly "pisst".

I am not sure when the T3 and Barco asked the the Judge to dismiss the 336 Based on Talbot if that they did not declare that the USPTO actually looked at that argument and passed the 336.

Which is a big NO NO imo.

over 12 years ago
Re: What if Moore Wins I2007s

You are only looking at from Chuck Moores point of view.

What did Chuck Moore do to PTSC that they decided not to work with him is my question?

This fight goes way back, when we were suing Chuck Moore in1994 or so.

So there could have been words said, and or bad circumstances from Moores camp.

It may not all be the BOD.

over 12 years ago
The BOD is Planning for the big harvest

I know that many are frustrated with the fact that there is no news from the BOD, however you must reconsider these facts that I previously posted before

Without these patents we would all still be hanging around the 1983- 1984 Era of technology.

Additional factors for your Consideration:

1. Every Government in the in the world is infringing on the MMP

2. Every Automaker in the world is infringing on the MMP

3. Every Cell phone Maker in the world is infringing on the MMP

4. Every Computer Maker in the world is infringing on the MMP

5.Every Guided Missile used in militaries around the world is infringing on the MMP

6.Every Plane, Helicopter, Jet Fighters in the world are infringing on the MMP

7.Every Submarine and every boat is infringing on the MMP

8.Toy makers around the world are infringing on the MMP

9.Medical Devices around the world are infringing on the MMP

10.Refrigerators, Washing machines, microwave ovens are infringing on the MMP

11.Alarm Companies are infringing on the MMP

12.Cameras, Copiers are infringing on the MMP worldwide.

NOW considering that these time proven companies also started almost the same way PTSC:

Qualcom: Trading at 56.79 1.71 Billion Shares outstanding

Time Warner:Trading at 35.43 959.92MBillion Shares outstanding

Cisco: Trading at 16.95536 Billion Shares outstanding

Oracle:Trading at 26.91 4.98Billion Shares outstanding


Do you think the BOD has time to bow to every personal whim of day traders?

Especially when you have to plan out how you are now going to proceed with infringers?

They have more important things to consider; in one of my earlier posts I also noted that TPL is going to need an army of attorneys around the world to enforce infringement.This is a GOOD Problem! That is what the BOD and TPL are planning.

People cry about share value, not knowing what is happening behind the scene.

What IF…WHAT IF I am right?

Your complainers and moaners are going to be gleefully cheering the BOD when the stock again gains a few dollars after they report that they have teams of attorneys in Europe, In Asia, Central America, Canada, signing billions of dollars of license agreements.

Yup I predict you will all give a standing ovation just like you did in the Run up of 2004 or 2005 (I forget what year that was).

over 12 years ago
Atlantis yes in the Atlantic
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