Coal Miner's Profile

Coal Miner's Posts

Re: Sculpin

Yes my wife and I also were delighted to have met Sculpin. You are such a humble man and again thank you for all that you do. I didn't get the chance to meet Bow or Edmonton 44 you always seemed busy but we had the pleasure of meeting Rinky and his wife. I wished that we could have caught the hockey game, maybe we would have had a better chance of meeting more of the posters.

I want to thank Murry and Alice for coming to the River Cree and thanks again to Bow and Edmonton 44 for all of their work and helping run the meeting and everyone else that helped out. Thank you ldsands and rev elvis for the musical entertainment.

over 12 years ago
Re: OK I'll ask

Sculpin has has been with us through the good times and bad, he our other hub leaders are trusted friends to many on this board. So yes we want Sculpin as the leader on AG. I havn't been reading all the posts as of late but I don't recall anyone asking you to become our hub leader maybe you have us mixed up with SH. Our leaders have spent countless hours of their own time researching information for everyone on the board and you show up not long ago and feel you can walk right in and take over? I don't think so. I'm sure 99% of the people on this board feel the same way.

over 12 years ago
Re: 5000 acres

In the news release there are 2 holes DDH-TE-07 Canchette, and DDH-TE-08 Canchette that seem good to me. As I understand all the drill holes are drilled at an angle. If that is so then these 2" holes show alot of promise. It just would be nice to know exactly where they were drilled. Drill hole # DDH-TE-07 Canchette was 380.25 meters deep and it looks to have intersected 11 different veins. Drill hole # DDH-TE-08 Canchette was 330 meters deep and it looks like it intersected 9 different veins. This is on a 2 inch drill hole. If these 2 holes were drilled into the anomally and hit that many veins in a 2 inch area wouldn't that be considered to be really good? Can anyone tell me their thoughts on this? If the anomally was full of these vein clusters wouldn't that be something to be excited about? After all it is one big anomally. It is just a thought. I'm not sure if that is how we are to interpret the results in the news release. I just got of on night shift a couple of hours ago and I am starting to fade so I hope this makes some sense. Take care, and good night.

over 12 years ago
TFSA and Havilah

I was just wondering for people that have topped up their TFSAs this year, when we receive our Havilah shares that are based on our shares we already have in our TFSAs will that be considered to be an over contribution? For example if you had 10,000 shares of SLI you should receive 500 shares of Havilah. Would that in the governments eyes be an over contribution? I was just curious.

over 12 years ago
Re: A little update

I think I recall Murry telling me that they chose to send in some of the cores in before some of the trenching samples were to be sent in.

almost 13 years ago
Re: 6 undervalued stocks

We also have to remember what companies and countries for that matter have properties all around our properties in peru. Take tessoro for instance, I don't think everyone around us is there for the spectacular scenery. They are there because they know that there is alot of gold to be found. The shorters can take whatever shots at us that they want, if there wasn't any gold to be found on our properties then why are we surrounded by the countries and major mining companies that we are?

almost 13 years ago
Coal Miner
Stony Plain
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