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Coming to the AGM?

Please join us for breakfast 8 to 9 in the meeting room.

over 9 years ago
List of questions from the forum for POET

Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I've been allowed to post a brief comment from POET management concerning the board's list of questions that were forwarded to them. Please see below.

Re: Agoracom POET message board forum list of Questions

While POET appreciates investors active interests in the Company’s operations, we have to note that POET does not provide interim updates in between milestone updates. We may take up investors’ concerns where possible in future press releases which is to say that the information will be broadly disseminated to the public via press release.

As always, the Company does periodically update the market with regards to subject matter that the Company deems as the most material developments that may impact future performance of the Company in a manner that does not sacrifice the integrity of POET’s competitive position as an emerging breakthrough technology within the semiconductor industry.

Thus, internal milestones and operational activity not currently being discussed in the public domain i.e. current filings, will not be openly discussed or addressed publicly for not only competitive intelligence reasons but also to not place undue expectations unto POET with regards to milestone deliverables.

The Company provides sufficient disclosure as per exchange and regulatory requirements in the countries that its securities trade in and investors must rely on this Company and regulatory body approved information which periodically discloses: POET’s financial statements and operational updates to the public.

Additionally, the AGM will largely be procedural with a small amount of time allocated for Q&A after the formal meeting which follows Robert’s rules of procedure, so long as the material to be discussed is not in violation of selective disclosure or concerns matters addressed in the above statement.

over 9 years ago
Re: How the IR guy feels about POET

This is all being taken too literally. What I am saying is look to the 20F for cautionary statements. Make an informed investment.

The case of a brittle chip is a remotely faint possibility. We are in uncharted territory. There are currently GaaS switches that are at go to market stages. There is no compound GaaS chips on the market.

POET's goals are to create a market first. There is no true comparable to products or Companies in the market to POET. So the potential distance between success and failure is a large margin.

What I want to indicate is that management is cognizant of all of this and doing their very best to minimize risk and guarantee success from not only an operational level but from a fiscal perspective as well. Management at POET has geared the entire organization to succeed and build an actual go to market business as this is where they can maximize true shareholder returns. If POET reaches monetization of IP, I can't fathom that it will be trading at current volatile prices which may be affected by macroeconomics such as the US Feds reports and tech and industrials reporting lower earnings for the quarter on the TSX.

over 10 years ago
How the IR guy feels about POET

Here is the link to the 20F

Here is my personal assessment of the situation. I want for those who have not seen the Company's 20F. As an informed investor, you should have every arsenal in front of you to make an informed decision about your investments. This is your legal right. If you cannot do so, that is what financial advisors and brokers are for.

With that said, here is my personal statement about the client. I cannot see the future in front of me, no one can but looking at the existing management's track record for the past 12 months speaks volumes about the Company and its future. There's a saying on Wall St. you bet on the jockey and not on the horse.

To date:

Fact: Peter Copetti and management has shored up POET's finances so that it can go to market without issues.

Fact: Since working for the Company they have delivered on EVERY milestone they have promised to date. It might not be on the timeline that an investor wishes, but within reasonable timing POET management has delivered on everything they said they would do.

Fact: The correct infrastructure and team in the eyes of the Company that is in place now will allow the Company to take its IP to market and monetize.

Fact: POET's Chief Scientific Officer has provded reasonable assurances that what the Company legally has to report in a regulatory filing as a risk i.e. brittle chips for example is not going to be an issue because of the process that his team has developed.

I am personally extremely excited to be working for POET, I love the story and the direction that the Company is going.

I was just thinking the other day that if and when Geoff and POET pulls this off and the chip goes to market. There's a very good chance that he will someday get the Wallace Award which is the equivalent of the Nobel prize for computer engineering.

If you have questions please email me. I don't bite and I'm approachable. But I also will never disclose any information that is forward looking. Forward looking material information must legally be disclosed via wide disemmination via press release.

over 10 years ago
Re: Response to Chris Chu IR

Read the company's 20F! What I'm saying should not be news which is why I'm putting the info on the board. Email me if you need me to point to documents.

Investors should have the right to be fully informed so that they can make reasonably educates investment decisions

over 10 years ago
Re: Q&A

Excuse the typo I'm scrunched up in a train right now.

over 10 years ago
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