ChetGeorge's Profile

ChetGeorge's Posts

Re: Where is everyone?

Yeh, on a day like today, in the old days there would be a post every second. Now people are a little more "wait and see" because they (I've) been there before. I'm hoping that this is the start of regaining SP. NOW, I'm only down 100K. We've a long way to go to get to .81 my average share price. After I get my $110K back then *THEN* I'll start to be happy. That's just to get my invested money back. Since '06 I've been waiting for a payoff I "KNEW" would happen. Just didn't know it would take soooooooooo long. I should have double my money by now but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Now I just would really appeciate getting my initial invested moneys back.

So back to lurking and enjoying this small resurgance. Wake me when it gets to .95 so I can make a toast too.


about 14 years ago
Re: "We should be positive with the news." What ? Perhaps you

Well my balloon is sitting on the floor now. But, you're right - unfortunately.

Thanks for the realist view.


about 14 years ago
Re: USPTO Transaction Description

As usual Wolf you post meat and potatoes. Thanks Chet

about 14 years ago

I haven't checked in for quite a while - too discouraged... but patient (or something less complimentary). So what do we owe the good news too? Don't tell me that our patents have been blessed yet again. If so, why no press release? If not then why the jump in price. Mind you I'm not complaining just wondering.

Cheers and keep it going, DW

about 14 years ago
Re: sine qua non

I'm a long time investor as well and had hoped that we'd see that validation by now. I thought that it had been mentioned that it was soon to be released at least several times over the last few months. But my memory is getting pretty crappy of late. Anyway, does anyone have an OUTSIDE prediction of the last possible date that the decision will be made either up or down or some parts are but some parts aren't?

Will it be before I pass on? I've only got about ~15 years left before I really don't care any more. It sure would be nice to get to enjoy some of that wished for money now that I'm retired. If it makes it to $10 I'd be a millionare and that would be a very different life style for my girlfriend and me.

Anyone have any positive input to encourage me?


over 14 years ago
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