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Re: $20 Price, Football, and FJ

That was my attempt at extending an olive branch. Interesting response. Your actions are out of my control so I won't concern myself with them. I'm sure the board will take notice with your attitude. Not winning any fans...

about 9 years ago
$20 Price, Football, and FJ

BTW, I was joking about the $20.

After being accused of driving the stock price down with my posts, I thought I'd try the opposite and see how self fulfilling it really is by picking a really high price objective.

Now if we hit $20, then I will start accusing myself of being a self fulfilling, alterior motivating, and a basher... or pumper, whatever direction the wind blows that day...

For me, I can't wait til football season starts - I'm a Domer (Notre Dame) so it's that time where we can take a break from the charts, pour an irish whiskey (or drink of choice), and enjoy the opportunity to just be with friends and family. FJ - I will have a drink for you and hope you enjoy friends and family just the same during this upcoming fall. This is the time of year that dreams become fulfilled and prayers are answered.


about 9 years ago

$20 by Next Week on the price objective! Should be a bumpy ride with wild swings, but should get there by late Thursday or early Friday of next week...

BTW, just trying to see if this is self -fulfilling!

Invest at your own risk. Past performance is no indication of future results. I am not an expert. I prefer dogs over cats. Wealth is a state of mind...

about 9 years ago

It's not luck, but a higher degree of probability that TA calls out...

I have reentered the stock, purchasing at $0.74 on the way down. I used $0.60 as my line in the sand and it never triggered. I too am hoping for a string of green days and a quick rise up, but only talked about retesting to help manage expectations.

Self-fulfiling? I believe we've already gone that road before. But, just in case that's a real possibility, I posted the below chart:Price Objective $20 Share!

For what it's worth, everyone should just lighten up a bit and not take everything said so seriously. We're having a conversation and everyone has a right to contribute. What you choose to take to factor into your investment decision, so be it- but at the end of the day, we're all on the same side- aren't we?

Wishing everyone a great next couple of weeks. Should be a bumpy ride in the markets - keep calm, keep perspective- cheers.

about 9 years ago
Re: Bottom?

Some people don't like TA and I understand their limitations- however, everything has limitations...

My call of being around $0.60 as a likely bottom seemed to be spot on. This isn't just about trendlines, but understanding volume, accumulation/distribution trends, etc. Today's bounce was on good volume, but has pushed up against some resistance. Don't be suprised to see this trend back down and do a retest or give up 50% of the day's gain (down to $0.75 for example). This is ok and should be expected as people will take their 30% gain and move on. If you're a beliver and in this for the long run, accumlate on the way back down.

about 9 years ago

I've been getting some private messages asking for the bottom and if now is a good time to buy. I can't answer those questions because I don't know where the bottom is and everyone's investing decisions should be based on their risk tolerance and what the objective of that investment is.

I took a lot of heat for selling my shares at $1.38-$1.48 and was called a basher, etc. I'm surely not the reason for the sell off. It's because there's so much uncertainty with this company and they haven't delivered anything that makes a penny to date. Right now, the stock is oversold, but that doesn't mean anything short term. Stocks can stay oversold for a long time. There is a lot of support around $0.60, but that doesn't necessarily mean thats the bottom.

Bottom line - if you're a beliver and you have money that you don't care about losing, then buy. If this is your only source of retirement funds, I'd rethink again as pumping, connecting dots, etc. hasn't done much to help this stock...

about 9 years ago
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