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Charade's Posts

No TSX, What now?

Now that we are dumped from the TSX what happens now? Where will we be listed and what affect might this have on the share price?

about 12 years ago
No gold

I think that all the juniors are down in part because people can play these companies safer with ETFs and price of gold is stagnant. I think SGR has been hit in particular because of a perfect storm; mill breakdown, tailings pond issues, and poor resource report. I hung in for the report because of the big news a few months ago about the biggest gold find in Manitoba history. I thought this would be reflected in the resource report. Now I wonder if there is any more gold to be found in this area. With all the drilling that has been done nothing much has turned up according to the report. They must have drilled the most promising areas already so what is left must be the areas they were less optimistic about. Maybe there is no more gold of any consequence in SGR areas and that is why they took over other areas. A last ditch move that may work out. Comments?

over 12 years ago
Re: ....Q1...RESULTS May 9

I am unclear about the meaning of the end of the last sentence ; "...then like always well speak my Mine/d". I assumed things would not be good if those listed conditions are reported.

over 12 years ago
Re: Sgr or Fr


I asked the question because I was holding San until the last quarter report hoping that would cause a pop in price, which didn't occur. I was then thinking the market now knows everything about San and prices it at these levels so San may be stuck here for a long time. I was wondering what is there now that would move San up other than a rise in the price of gold? You have indicated that the next 43-101 may be the cataylst. If the next 43-101 looks promising then I agree that San has more upside than FR as San is down 70% from its altime high and FR is down 40%.

By the way, when does the next 43-101 come out?

over 12 years ago
Sgr or Fr

Looking for opinions. I have a number shares of sgr and I want to convert them to cash in this calendar year so I have a few months to let the money ride. One of my other favourites is First Majestic FR which I am out of now. I am contemplating selling sgr and going into fr because I think fr has more short term upside and less downside. I wonder if anyone here is acquainted with fr and has an opinion on such a move.

over 12 years ago
Staying in for a while

I have decided to stay with these boys for a while even though I need money for another project at this inopportune time. I will wait till the next report, Q1, I think it should be good even though the market seems to hate good reports. If I am not mistaken a recent stock placement was for family, friends and employees, is this correct?. I have to think that management sees a good pop soon or it wouldn't have done this. They wouldn't make money on the backs of family and friends, OR WOULD THEY?

over 12 years ago
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