Cautious's Profile

Cautious's Posts

Re: Is this a "HEAD FAKE";

Looking at today's flat-line performance I'd say it's more likely to be DOA.

about 10 years ago
Re: Place limit orders ASAP

Place limit orders? If that works to keep shares out of the hands of shorters, then this is a case for us all to apply my favorite motto "don't just do it, over do it".

Get out there and put in short-sell orders at $15, maybe 1 million shares - each of us. There will be no shares to borrow and short after those orders are executed.

Our only financial risk is that the shares go to something over $15 overnight.

about 10 years ago
What does this teach us? Multiple choice answers to test your investment skills

In 1973, Buffett made a $10.6 million investment in the Washington Post Co. Just over 10 years later, as he explained in his 1985 letter to shareholders, the investment sank to a market value of about $8 million, a loss of nearly 25 percent. At a glance, it was a crushing defeat for a then still-rising investment manager.

But Buffett, perennially patient, was unfazed. In the same letter, he told his shareholders not that the investment was a bad idea, but that, "What we had thought ridiculously cheap a year earlier had become a good bit cheaper as the market, in its infinite wisdom, marked WPC stock down to well below 20 cents on the dollar of intrinsic value."

Buffett told his shareholders, "You know the happy outcome." Shortly after Buffett invested his millions and the market decided to keep selling, Kay Graham, then CEO of the Washington Post Co., "had the brains and courage to repurchase large quantities of stock for the company at those bargain prices" — a result of the inexplicable fire sale — "as well as the managerial skills necessary to dramatically increase business values."

The rest, in retrospect, is history. The company's market value soared. According to Buffett's calculations in 1985, Berkshire Hathaway proceeds from the investment totaled $221 million, some $160 million greater than the same investment in "any of a half-dozen media companies that were investment favorites in mid-1973″ would have yielded. By 2013, Berkshire's 1.7 million shares in the Washington Post Co. were worth nearly $1 billion.

1) This teaches us to follow Buffett's example and buy more PTSC stock.

2) This teaches us to follow Buffett's stock picks.

about 10 years ago
Re: USPTO stands up for patent owners/ from IV post

This is unquestionanly great news for PTSC. And look at that heavy volume in response to the news. Must be heavy buying.

This is so exciting, finally things have changed in our favor. I'll get back to the board right after I check today's closing stock price, I'm sure it was strongly up. Be right back.

over 10 years ago
Re: Moving higher!

RE "Someone gobbled up 2020 shares!!!"

Yippie! The big traders are back in the game. That's $100 in cold cash injected into PTSC stock.

over 10 years ago
Re: Who can be trusted and who can't

I was involved in a class action case against dishonest top executives. In that case the company lied; some say they just misplaced some decimal points, maybe 3 or 4 places, to inflate the earnings report. After the stock ran up on the earnings news they shorted the company stock big time (knowing the lie wouldn't hold up for long). As rumors started about the amazing earnings being unsubstantiated the guys closed their short positions and left the country.

I don't know how the C.A. was initiated or how they got to these guys, but after some years I recieved maybe 10% of what I had invested. I continued to recieve much smaller sums from several more years of related court proceedings, including this past year.

This would seem to be an incouraging story supporting a C.A. against PTSC. But the C.A. targets in my previous case had pockets full of money.

over 10 years ago
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