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Jeff Grinstein Entertainment's Curvy Fashion Show

I apologize if this topic has been discussed previously. Did Lori use SLI funds to sponsor this event? Thanks.


over 12 years ago
Re: Selling stock at this point will get you nowhere.Too many questions unanswered.

Do we know the location of the last drill holes? Also, do we know if management has been buying large numbers of shares recently?

I agree that one or two cores from the anomaly with good grades will shoot the SP way up. It wasn't that long ago that just the speculation of a NR sent the SP to 2.80...I can only dream of what some high numbers would do.

over 12 years ago
Re: Selling stock at this point will get you nowhere.Too many questions unanswered.

So , just for argument's sake, lets say the last 4000m of available results are released with similar numbers to last weeks NR. What do you predict will happen to the timeline for Tesoro?

I am looking forward to good results, but being a realist, I fear that if the next NR is seen as being negative we are years away from selling Tesoro or anything else.

And honestly, the only reason I invested tens of thousands of dollars into SLI was to make a large ROI. Bottomline. To acheive this goal, postive results need to be released which show the market that SLI has a worldclass deposit. So far that has not been the case.

over 12 years ago
Re: Selling stock at this point will get you nowhere.Too many questions unanswered.

Great post. For the record I have not sold a share, and have no intention to. I have done quite a bit of DD, honestly some of the info is beyond my comprehension but I understand enough to know is could be a life changing investment.

All I am saying is that all the people out there who think this a big conspiracy to release poor results in order to drive the price down need to get a grip.

Investors want results, if they have drill assays from the anomaly they need to release them in a timely fashion. Iregardeless of the location of the next 4000m, the numbers need to be positive. Negative results, whether real or misinterpreted, will no be good for any of us.

Lets hope for the best.

over 12 years ago
Re: Selling stock at this point will get you nowhere.Too many questions unanswered.


However, we only have about 4700m of results left to report and so far the market has had a negative intrepretation the first 8000m. Tesoro is running out of chances to prove itself so I hope when the remaining results are released they are positive.

''We have 12,740 m of drilling complete. We have seen results for approximately 8000 m.''

Not sure of the author...idsands maybe?

over 12 years ago
Re: Selling stock at this point will get you nowhere.Too many questions unanswered.

The stock price plummetted because of poor results, nothing underhanded there.

over 12 years ago
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