Canuck2333's Profile

Canuck2333's Posts

WOW.......What is all the panick about...

I know that we all were hoping for a HUGE news release that would make this SP soar, but why the state of panick about this stock? Did we not close at $2.55 on Tuesday night? The SP was $2.62 at the end of the day today....... Is that not an incease on the day?

Most of the panick I ever see comes directly from the people on this board. I would think we may see a dip tomorrow in the share price due to people expecting a bigger release, but if another release comes out shortly like many of us expect, than we will be right back up and running. What is with all the panick when the price finished up? Not what we all hoped would happen, but hey, all increases are good in my mind. When new investors read the panick on this board from people that are just speculating saying OMG we are gonna fall to below $2, it doesnt help the situation.

Take the advice given earlier and sell off your shares. You really aren't helping in the long run. I wasn't happy with the release either. I figured we would need something soon to keep the price up and this wasn't it. BUT, hey, no big deal. Maybe if some sell tomorrow this will help in the long run. Price will start to fall a bit, followed by (in my opinion) the real release that was planned will be released, and than everybody will scramble again to get back in. This could actually give us a beter end result than we may have had if the NR we all expected to get on Monday.

I very rarely post on here as you all know. I bought my shares back in 2005-2006. I like to just sit back and read everybody's opinions and than make my own based on the facts I see. I hate to see us getting so close to the finish line to see people selling off due to a bit of panick caused by people who really don't know the facts. I don't know them and neither do any of you. The only people who do are the ones in a blackout......

There are 2 ways to deal with this. Either you can sit back and enjoy the ride. You may get rich or you may fal on your face, but hey isn't the rush of being involved in a venture stock with potential? Or..... you can panick.... sell of what you own. Wait on the results we all want to see and than buy back in. May cost you $1 to get in, or it may cost you $3 or it may cost you $7. I guess the 3rd option is to sell and never look at this stock again (at least I wouldn't as I would never want to see what might have been) I personally chose to sit back and relax. I don't want the hastle of getting back in. I talked to my wife last night and I told her we would be sure to see a small fall back to what I figured was about $2.25. I said, hey maybe we should sell and buy back when it settles. Make 0.40 to 0.50 per share and than strengthen our position a bit. She laughed at me. She knows me too well. I bought in at $0.47. I would not want to have the possibility where I go to bed one night after I sell my shares hoping to beat the NR, than have a halt announced, and scramble (as Hobbes did) to get back in. I only have 40-50,000 shares now (I don't care who knows I'm not a big player), I do not want to scramble to get back in and find the number of shares dwindle to 10,000 because if a bit of impatience.

This is all just the opinion of a small player who hopes for the best. I one day look forward to meeting alot of you, having some drinks, and chatting about how we all took the plunge and made it. I want to see you all there one day. Stop panicking.... Be patient.... And let it all play itself out. If its meant to be it will all happen. I have faith in the management team leading us there. I have personally never met any of them, but why not them? (although I think this last 3 days could have been dealt with on a much better level) Have a great day, week, month or however long it takes me to make my next post. Here's to the future together! If you sell, don't ever look again, and know that "We are all gonna laugh at you!"

PS- I am not against any of you people from the Ottawa/Toronto area stepping it up and getting a B&B in the area so I could meet Murray as well as put some faces to the names. I would do it myself, but I suck at organizing things.

Canuck 2333

almost 13 years ago
I really hope...

I can honestly say that the news I am hoping for before anything else is the Amex listing. Other news would be great, but I would rather see the listing first so SLI could get full exposure.

This has been pretty exciting watching the climb. Hope to see more of an increase before the end of the week and the profit taking. Would like to see it stay over $3 in the end.


almost 13 years ago
Re: Question

I feel like a tool..... I asked my wife a few months ago if she has been getting anything from TD waterhouse and she said no. Today I asked her again because I was going to call them and she pulled out an envelope with my AGM and proxy from 2010...... I guess it is all good and I am having the papers all sent to me. It just turns out that the wife just files it in random places when it arrives.... Oh well, I now found work in Ontario so I will be home to deal with it myself from now on :D

about 13 years ago

All of my shares are in a TD waterhouse RRSP account. I have never been sent anything from ST Elias ever. Do I jut need to contact TD to get access to these things or what? And for curiousity sake... Does anybody know what would happen for me if we get an offer? Would the shares/cash be put in to RRSP plan too or no? I am just a noob with a little over 40k shares. I know it's not huge, but could make a huge difference for me.


about 13 years ago
Addon for my Iphone 3G

I just switched over to bell since im in the east now and got an IPhone. I kept track of SLI on Blue before when using my Blackberry. What is a good free stock addon which I can follow SLI on the IPhone 3G? Thanks in advance.

about 13 years ago
Re: Others in Ontario?

I am in Brockville (about 45 mins fom Ottawa). I hope something comes this way before too long. Would be nice to put some faces to the posts I have been reading for so long. I have been invested in this for close to 5 years now. Not a huge amount of shares, but enough to help me out one day soon I am sure.

about 13 years ago
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