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Calgarian1's Posts


Yesterday, a group of shareholders in Calgary filed a request for an AGM. From that date, the company has 21 days to set and announce a date for an AGM. They know what can happen if they don't do so. Therefore, they will get it done.

The company has clearly been dragging their feet getting the financials done and the technical reports required by the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC). The financials for an entire year of a company doing viturally nothing can be done in under 2 weeks.

We didn't get involved for Pincher Creek, we bought shares for Tennessee, and we want an honest statement of the facts at the meeting. In 2008, Brown told those present at the AGM that the company had all the technical facts about the area, and that the oil in place was huge, hence the plans for the additional 23 wells they'd announced. He said the pool could extend into the next county. Bill Cawker wasn't please by all that Brown told the meeting, and even said, "You shouldn't have said that." By the 2009 AGM Brown had developed a memory problem. Maybe his adventures with the ASC have sharpened his memory. A little wax inhibitor that Baker's tests determined was required, should be put down the #3 and they'd have all the cashflow required to do whatever else is required to get the five wells flowing oil. It's because of the success of the workover on the #1 that they drilled the #2 well 250 feet away, and with such a large hole size. The results from the #2 well are why the #3, #4 and the #5 were all drilled to the Copper Ridge formation at 5,000 feet.

over 13 years ago
Re: Kyle's Posts

It actually is very close to Bre-X.

Bre-X said they had something, when they had nothing.

Montello says they have nothing, when they had great reasons for drilling the JB#2, and spending $9 million on it.Then they drilled the #3, #4 & #5, and announced 23 more wells on the property.Peter Brown, at the 2008 AGM spoke about how they’d found oil, and knew exactly what was down there.The professional posters and assorted strategies to screw investors wouldn’t exist if nothing was in Tennessee.

Therefore, it’s exactly the reverse of Bre-X technically, and exactly the same as Bre-X quality management wise.

about 15 years ago
Kyle's Posts

Considering the amount of disreputable conduct by Past and Present Montello Management, I think Kyle’s comments are important contributions to this board.

The Alberta Securities Commission doesn’t keep going back for more information because they need something to do.

The way things are going, I think we’ll be seeing charges coming to some people involved in screwing over the shareholders.

about 15 years ago
Fall 09 and Winter 2010 forecast

My forecast for the Fall 09 and Winter 2010 is that one of two approaches will be taken by MEO.

Either Brown will get the Tennessee wells on production, and everyone does the happy-dance, or

Brown will announce that the only thing Morgan County wells have to offer is the Chattanooga Shale, so he’s signing a farmout agreement, since MEO lacks the money and knowledge to drill shale gas wells.

I could be wrong, but the pattern is starting to emerge, and it fits in the corporate discussions over the past year, and Brown’s announcements in June 2009.

about 15 years ago
Re: MM, you still don’t get it.

MM, you think people should be deprived of their rights to free speech?What about investors rights to not be lied to and cheated by insiders?

Just remember, if you want to sue shareholders for voicing their opinions, ALL INFORMATION about ALL THE WELLS will become open for viewing.Be careful what you wish for.

Also, threats are a sign of someone with something to hide. Action talks, and B&S walks

about 15 years ago
MM, you still don’t get it.

MM, why do you support the do-nothing approach of Cawker and Brown?

Second, shareholders simply want the following:

·Honest competent management.

·The Tennessee wells on production, and don’t want to be lied to anymore about why more delays are ok.

·All the facts about all the Tennessee wells – beyond just the five at High Point.

·Put an end to the rollback scam

·And, the crooks need to be sent to jail.

about 15 years ago
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