CWGriswold's Profile

CWGriswold's Posts

Re: Increase in PP to 13.38 MM $

Rosehill, I always appreciate your posts as do I those of CT, however, with all due respect, its very difficult to look at this placement as anything other than nefarious. Within the past 4 days we are to understand that there has been increased investor demand for our shares and yet we need to discount them this heavily and throw in a half share purchase warrant as a sweetener? Its not even within the average price of the past 30 days! Somebody is getting really greedy and brazen here. No way to look at this any other way IMHO.

about 8 years ago
Re: Increase in PP to 13.38 MM $

Not sure I would throw in the towel just yet Meadow Hen. This still requires approval of the TSX. I think every one of us needs to voice our displeasure to the TSX about this - not sure if it will do anything but it can't hurt. Using a 30 day average price yields about 1.02 but since this deal was obviously just arranged in the last few days the price should be closer to 1.15 if warrants are to be included. Thoughts anyone?

about 8 years ago
Re: New Financing

While this most likely a portends to something big coming our way soon, I must admit I'm taken aback by the egregious pricing of the non-flow through units. We've been trading over a buck for about a month now, and now due to sudden investor demand the non-flow through units are priced at 95 cents (and if I'm reading the weaselly worded press release correctly these also include a half share purchase warrant!!!). How did they arrive at this price??? Shouldn't the increased investor demand mean that we should be getting a price closer to the recent close and no warrant! WTF? This is BS.

about 8 years ago
Re: New Financing

While this most likely a portends to something big coming our way soon, I must admit I'm taken aback by the egregious pricing of the non-flow through units. We've been trading over a buck for about a month now, and now due to sudden investor demand the non-flow through units are priced at 95 cents (and if I'm reading the weaselly worded press release correctly these also include a half share purchase warrant!!!). How did they arrive at this price??? Shouldn't the increased investor demand mean that we should be getting a price closer to the recent close and no warrant! WTF? This is BS.

about 8 years ago
My 2 cents

While its tempting for some to take the offer on the table, I do not understand how any shareholder cannot feel that they are being hoodwinked given the drill results that have been pending for many, many months. You are being asked to sell something for a price at which the purchaser knows the value of but you don't (even though you paid for the information that the purchaser is in possession of).

To use a hypothetical example, suppose you and some buds are out hiking and you find a valuable artifact laying in the dirt. You all agree that you will split the value of what its worth. One of your buds (probably a former bud now) says "hey let me get that appraised". After getting it appraised he meets with all of you and says "Hey friends, I'll give you each of you guys a 100 bucks for this, whaddaya say?". You ask "what did the appraiser say its worth?". And he says "I'm not going to tell you but I recommend that you take the $100". Do you take the $100 bucks?

I think there's a good chance that the current run up in the gold market will begin consolidation soon (perhaps after the ECB announcement tomorrow?), so a normal 38% retracement of GC's runnup would leave it in the mid-25 range - so this deal won't look so impressive then. It is at this point (next week?) that I fully expect AEM (alone or in partnership) to take a run at this. This is a new (very large?) gold camp in a well established area with infrastructure and the opportunity to own it for anything less than $1 billion is a steal.

over 9 years ago
Re: Updated Presentation - December 2014

Using the sniff test, re: Hocking the lone (very) bearish analyst out there. Could it be that he was an actor in a rouse to downplay the future potential of Borden Lake so as to facilitate the deal that just took place? Not saying it is so, but just posing it as a possibility. Anyhow the vendor was certainly well compensated.

Regardless, the deal got done and I am pumped going forward. Don't be surprised to see a flurry of amazing drill results forthcoming and Mr. Hocking jumping back on the Borden train. GLTA Longs and all the best in 2015!!!

almost 10 years ago
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