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Re: Lori

7 meters can't be the right number, it has to be more, they reported on more then that with gold, plus the 23m with some gold in.

over 12 years ago
Re: Hard to keep following.. (Does Not Have To Be)

One more thing, I hope Lori makes me eat my words, I would like nothing more then to be completely wrong.

over 12 years ago
Re: Hard to keep following.. (Does Not Have To Be)

People probably would take the exit if the stock was not at such a sorry price, tuff to get out when you get nothing for your shares, if you forgot, a lot of people bought at 2 bucks plus, now it's worth squat, no choice but to ride it out, wish I would have dumped everything during the dead cat bounce, whether you like it or not your stuck with a bunch of PO'd investors. I realize it's easy for you guys that were in cheap, worse case now your even. Did you ever think these bashers, are only angry share holders that feel they got takin advantage of? I know I got swept up in the hype, stopped using my brain, well it's working now, if you think I am falling for some carefully put together words about where they drilled I don't think so, its time to question everything, if they did not drill the anomaly, then show us were they drilled, as far as I am concerned management should not be allowed to sell any shares, they know we're all the dud holes were drilled, I don't, if I did know maybe I would be dumping my shares just like the CEO is doing now, just my opinion. And as far as the new director, did you ever think he maybe retired cause he is at retirement age, he put his time in, being a director is a perfect retirement gig, according to Lori you can be a sli director for years not doing anything, her words not mine. Our only hope is they can target some good drills, or get Some good surface samples, cause if they don't the next PP will be done at pennies, if there still is a company. Again only my humble opinion.

over 12 years ago
Re: It's a great weekend to go short hunting!

We can now update the last insider trading from feb 10th to feb 17th, no news coming. Have a good weekend.

over 12 years ago
Re: It's a great weekend to go short hunting!

Ya your right there sculpin, still have money tied up, still trying to be somewhat positive, can be tuff at times, the sooner the results the better, if we are waiting another 3 months from now, we can kind of assume they had some poor results, right now she cannot afford to release another set of results like the last. I would like to see some surface results, that could help us out. Also i am assuming the leaks have been takin care of, don't care what any one says, people were tipped off before the last ones were released, and that still bothers me, as it should every share holder. When she gets her house in order, then she can lecture me about whats said on forums, until then she should be a little more humble. My opinion only.

over 12 years ago
Re: It's a great weekend to go short hunting!

Not sure how you expect results, you can see lori has been selling, therefore she is not in a blackout, and has no new info, dont expect anything for a while, this company does not move fast.

over 12 years ago
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