COWBOY1224's Profile

COWBOY1224's Posts

silver falcon

I want someone to tell me ,how silver falcon is worth anything at this point. they owe goldland holdings for the lease, and as far as i know they still owe them money for the lease and mr.p doesent have control of goldland any more, so he has no say to forgive on paying on the lease anymore . So as i see it they just have to call in the lease because of none payment and we have nothing, but a few worthless claims, no money and 10,000,000,000 shares o/s. What am i not seeing here, for that is what i am seeing, nothing. Goldland holdings is pretty much in the same boat, just new leaders, just like mr.p. I am glad i sold out at 15 of G.L. There are people here and on othere sites still trying to pump both shares up but for what reason, Trying to get it up so they can get out, like goldland and a few other jerkoffs that i can think of. I still have 700,000 s/f shares, that ill sell for a tax write off someday. I am not really losing anything, i made a couple hundred thousand selling stocks, gold and silver above what i put in . Know it is time to buy silver and gold and good gold and siver stocks again,but mostly silver. Sorry about my rant, but that is how i see it. Time to prepare for things are going to get ugle late this year and next, so buy all the silver you can..........cowboy

over 9 years ago
Re: amass

one time i thought so to, but when you look at it, its no diffrent than silver falcon. Same pattern, nothing has changed, the same song and dance. Bull sheet up on bull sheet. they make sure they get paid even when the company is broke. yeah this company wont see the light ever, sorry. You said the same thing about silver falcon over and over every time it went down. If you bought every time you said you did, you have lost your ass big time on both of them. I would hate to be in your shoes, wait a min. i am in your shoes, but not as bad. And what happened to the share holders meeting. Looks like that will never happen. Funny how they have never botherd to tell us how things are really going on with ether company, what a joke and the jokes on us. I cant see how you can see it any other way. If they thought that ether company had a real chance, they would yelled it from the highest moutain and put it on there web page. Nothing they have ever said come true . I hope one day they regrete what they have done. And one day they will pay the price, we can only hope.......cowboy

over 9 years ago

wishing everyone a good xmass and a happy new year. high there spiny long time no see, you too pick. glad i got out of goldland and sold some of silver falcon, befor the sheet hit the fan, but still lost lots of money on both. Am starting to buy junk silver and rounds again after selling most at $43 and $45. Will buy some mining shares but just a few,will mostly buy silver , junk dimes ,q..h, and silver rounds and a little gold. I did do very well on gold..silver ...mining shares just not on goldland or silver falcon, i do think it is time to do it again, so i will be building my new position for the run i think will be coming in the next year or two. No i will not be buying any goldland or silver falcon, sorry ( PQ ). Will try and pop in once and awhile to see who is still here.......cowboy

over 9 years ago
Re: .000001...actually .00009

i am thinking that to......cowboy

over 9 years ago
Re: goldland...cowboy, not true

pic, i did not know pq was going to sell this stock two months ago. what i did know by watching sf going down like it did, and knowing pq really was'nt into sf anymore, as i got that from him at the last shm and gld will be $1.00. in 6 months. and you know most stocks that r/s almost always go down to what they where befor the r/s or lower, and then they are worthless, been there a few times. because pq and rk did nothing for sf and then they did nothing for ghdc as it was going down that was the big clue for me. was going to sell at 18, but was helping my little girl start her own business, so got side tracked for a bit. i have had alot of stocks,and have made a lot of money on a few of them,got in early gold at 290 and silver at 4 and stocks cheap. but have had stocks that have b/s me just like sf and gld has done and they all have gone by by at the end. PRS> and PRS< but not one thing that really showed us of what really was going on, always in the dark , they knew what they where doing, just stringing us along as they diluted the stock and not telling us who was gettiing all those shares . this is not something that just hit me, i have been holding off selling for some time. i am like the rest of you, hoping for it to turn around and you know hoping will not get you rich or change anything, not for me anyway. i will hold sf till it is worthless then sell and take it off my taxes for the next 9 years (3,000)a year, good thing i sold 30,000 at .39 cents just to make my wife happy, should have made her really happy and sold it all. i dont have any hard feelings for any body on these boards love you all and DON hope we see you again on the mountain, i am sure bobby jo would..........cowboy

about 10 years ago

well its been awhile since i have said anything on agora, but would like to say that i have sold all of my goldland, sad sold at 13 cents. what i saw was it would only go down more ,so i just got out ,thank god i did. i have read what pic and bouts have said for years and its the same rah, rah as these suckers go down. i have been a long of goldland and silver falcon, longer than most of you and one of the few share holder that went to the share holder meeting last year. i was the one that pq said goldland will be 1.00 , i believe he said 6 months and i believed him, even bought more, what a fool. i believe he had give up on silver falcon at that point knowing what has gone on with silver falcon,know at .0004 and billons of shares, there is no %&$% way this stock will ever be worth anything to me or anyone else. if this stock silver falcon and goldland was going to be anything PQ or RK would have done everything they could do to protect the share price, all the prs have never said much of anything, never who,what or how much of anything. not the things you or i would expect them to say in a real pr and i mean a real pr. they new they were holding back the real news that we needed to hear and on purpose, even you saw that and looked the other way, hoping they would not lie to us, which they did time after time, but we still had hope, i know i did. i am with bobbyjo we have been robbed and it took me longer to figure out than it did bobbyjo, my wife said it was a scam more than two years ago, god i cant believe she was smarter than me. i still have silver falcon, what else can i do .0004 and falling. bouts , pic you guys are still doing the rah, rah thing, you have problably hurt a lot of guys that would have sold ,but did'nt ,so sad. i will go up to see bobbyjo and his wife kelly even if there is no shm, because we really like seeing them, and they are great people, also melba has the best chicken fried steak i have ever eaten bar none. hope this does"nt make anyone upset with me , because i like you all and hope to see some of you again some day. if i am wrong, i will eat crow and all the i told you so that you want to throw at me , but it does'nt look good at all . remember i was one of the rah, rah guys too. i might post again, if not its been nice to know all of you. i wished it could have been different, i really do. JIM ( aka cowboy )

about 10 years ago
k falls
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