Byoung's Profile

Byoung's Posts

Re: I wonder IF and HOW the management team (titles/roles) will change.

It is F.E.A.R. like this that drives the SP down....emotional B.S.

This forum is very educational, a plus for most novices, but the real issue is that NOT is an excellent exploration and development project that takes time to mature. Until maturity is reached it is a bunch of investors trying to make a buck. Some are calm long term investors and others buy and sell as the financial opportunity finds itself......picking up a little percentage points as they can. I wish I had done some of that so I could buy now while it is low, but I listened to the "long on NOT" retoric and have to wait a long while to get back to my purchase price.

Let's give the board a chance because they are probably as greedy as the rest of us. Meantime someone come up with a plan on how we can get names and phone numbers of shareholders without this information getting all over the web.

Thanks everyone for your contributions.

almost 16 years ago
Re: What gives?

Good question. What does happen in a hostile takeover at 10 cents? We still own the same number shares at 10 cents? Norant rebuffed the hostile takeover mostly for the time being. I have no experience in this. Please inform me if you can.

almost 16 years ago
Re: Liquidity

What the ZCXTWX happened? How many shares were dumped? What is the likelyhood of RN remaining on top? Does anyone know for certain? Jeepers, what a shocker to see this drop. Thanks for the info.

almost 16 years ago
Re: which is the priorty to have the share price move up

Number 2 is good and we can grease the wheel to get it moving. We need press releases so stock share price increases. Also this may require more public relation type guest appearances on select programs. It is ridiculas for a company with these assets to have SP diminish in value as it has the past several weeks. There is a lot of talk here, but how much reaches the JQ Public? How many stock portfolio managers have been told about NOT? I get 20 emails daily from advice so called wizards and no one has mentioned NOT. Why not? Today I had a company with SP of $0.0001/share recommended. Not is Not a one product company. These assets are fabulous! Who is suppossed to be in charge of PR at Not? This person needs to get this great message out. If any of you know who it is please get after him. I agree Richard is doing a great organizational job, but he needs to nudge and activate PR. I believe if investor relations did its job we would be four times our current value within this month.

about 16 years ago
It's been 3 months without news

Does anyone know what is happening with Brookmount. I'm up 50% but there are few stocks trading and little to no movement the past 3 months. Need some info. Thanks.

about 16 years ago
Up after hour trading

After today's 3 cent gain we have added another penny in after hour trading. This stock will go up so keep smiling that silver toothed smile.

about 16 years ago
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