Bylo Selhi's Profile

Bylo Selhi's Posts

Re: Again; Any answers please.

<< Would a takeover be in the offing. Beat the stock down, then make an offer usually 5 to 10% over the average of the last 20 trading days. >>

Anything is possible, but another private placement is more likely here... Every time it seems like VIT has enough money in the till, another PP pops up all of a sudden... The big boys have their ways to force cheap PP's on the promising juniors whose stock prices are appreciating too fast and they know something that we don't.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Upcoming presentations

He is very good at talking the talk... lots of practice over all those years. After all, he'd been a talking head (gold stock analyst) for a long time before he got his current job. Apparently, talking the talk is much easier than walking the walk... Where are those drill results?

about 14 years ago
Re: Golden Predator Results

How many shares of Golden Predator stock ( does Victoria Gold own?

about 14 years ago
Re: Anybody heard anything on timing of drills results

Watching VIT is like watching paint dry or watching a Bonsai tree grow. Management is very slow to execute. Let's wait and see how far this turtle will go in September.

The VIT stock has been perking up on strong volume lately.. Time to sell or time to buy... Anyone wants to opine?

about 14 years ago
OT: Too many positive posts on Agoracom's board to be useful to investors?

Globe says OSC target Agoracom claims victim status

2010-07-05 07:43 MT - In the News

The Globe and Mail reports in its Monday edition that the Ontario Securities Commission sits down behind closed doors on July 7 with an on-line investor relations firm it has accused of fraud. The Globe's Simon Avery writes the OSC alleges that Agoracom Investor Relations made hundreds of fraudulent postings on its Internet forum to boost its own business and inflate the value of stocks it owned. Between September, 2006, and July, 2009, the firm used fake names to conjur on-line chatter about stocks and boost their prices, according to the OSC. The outcome of the allegations could have deep implications for Canada's on-line discussion forums. None of the accusations is proven and Toronto-based Agoracom says they are unfounded. George Tsiolis, Agoracom's founder and president, maintains his firm was "blackballed by the big boys on Bay Street" for giving retail investors a platform to complain about unpopular deals. Some rival sites that have watched traffic to Agoracom's site swell are skeptical of the firm's protests. Dennis Bremner, who runs TradingChief, said he thinks there are far too many positive posts on Agoracom's board to be useful to investors. Agoracom advertises on The Globe's website.

about 14 years ago
Re: Back In - What I would like to see

VIT can't afford to play a hard ball with majors. They have no choice, but to play nice... they're running out of money! There is a reason why the share price has dropped some 40% this year, and is still going down... while the price of gold is climbing to new all-time highs. VIT is at a very critical juncture right now!

over 14 years ago
Bylo Selhi
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