Bwilke's Profile

Bwilke's Posts

Re: This forum is for discussing PTSC

Ron explained it pretty well why he posted. There were a lot of PTSC people who were involved in EDIG. I used to be one of them, in fact the founder of this board was "EdigOkie".

I found the post to be interesting and would not have known about it since I haven't looked in on the EDIG board in years. I'm glad some of my former EDIG "friends" may benefit and I hope their good fortune continues.

I sold EDIG to move over to PTSC, what happened here was nothing short of criminal but I'll live with it like the rest here will, I'm sure.

Lighten up, Ron has been one of the great contributors to this board.

almost 9 years ago
Re: public apology to those I mislead and encouraged to buy ptsc over the years

I can remember way back when Kirk (EDIGOKIE) warned about Dan Leckrone. It was the first time I can remember any such warning.

It was a crime the way a virtual handful of people made a huge profit at the expense of honest shareholders. It should have been much different, the deck was stacked against us, it was a rigged game for quite some time.

I have no bitterness but I do wish those involved nothing but the worst, They certainly deserve it.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Calendar for: Magistrate Judge Paul S. Grewal


Been away for a while, is that for our BOD?

about 9 years ago
Re: One of the all time great lies-Geoff

"Gloria's prophetic words to Stan Caplan at a virtual meeting (something like)...." you had the chance to make money."

A perfect example of a defense mechanism to try to escape some of the guilt she must feel (if she has a decent bone in her body) for her breach of trust to the shareholders of PTSC.

over 10 years ago
Re: Bogus Topic

The post was general in nature and CERTAINLY did not suggest a reverse split, that would be assinine and I don't see how anyone could come to that conclusion. But of course it's no longer there for anyone to make that determination.

I am very surprised and extremely disappointed that this forum tolerates such behavior.

I will no longer post and I will excuse you for labeling me a flipper.

almost 11 years ago
Re: I would like to know,

Repetitive? Are you kidding? I posted ONCE on the subject. And does possibly TWO sales (maybe one) in the past 5-6 years qualify me as a "FLIPPER"?

almost 11 years ago
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