Buzzby's Profile

LT investor trying to become financially secure.

Buzzby's Posts


I don't believe our management team are dishonest, reckless or dumb. Despite all the comments on this board I assess them as decent, hardworking rational people.

Recently we appointed a new CFO but for some reason felt compelled to proceed with a PO on very expensive terms immediately before he takes up the post. Why?

IMO there is something as yet unknown which was of such importance it necessitated that course of action. To my mind there can only be one of two reasons:

1. An existential threat that needed to be dealt with. However I struggle to think of one that could be mitigated by an urgent expensive fund raise. Also Why would new funders come on board so willingly if that sort of threat lurked in the background?


2 an opportunity which needed funding and that was so mouthwatering that it couldn't be ignored and needed a fund raise to facilitate it. It's hard at this point to imagine what it could be.

I guess all will be revealed in due course and we will finally know.

In Britain the clocks have changed and it is now nearly dark. However, I do know that tomorrow the sun will rise again and it will be light again. I hope the same can be said for POET. Some sunlight on this would be welcome

My investment is heavily down. Does that mean management are corrupt? No, I think it means I mis-timed my buying and bought too much too soon. It's my mistake and I'd be a fool and / or a coward to blame anyone other than myself.

almost 8 years ago

There has been a lot of angst and hand wringing on his board of late due to the SP. It's uncomfortable but lets take a deep breath and stand back a little:

-whilst the company may be listed it has the characteristics of a Private Equity investment. It will be volatile, there will be uncertainty and there will be diution on the way

-We have a first class team on board which gets stronger. We must believe they know what they are doing or else we wouldn't stay invested

-We potentially have ground breaking disruptive products into a huge market and should have first mover advantage.

-We should see the financing as a postive not a negative. It will be an integral part of a plan. We may not know or yet undestand that plan but that doesn't mean it does not exist. The financing will be another step in the journey.

-The true value of the company and the SP will not correlate at this stage. Without earnings and cashflow SP will be driven by shareholder sentiment alone. Once we have earnings then one can better undestand the worh of the company and the SP will become a better (but still not exact) indicator of value.

Have faith. We may not understand the plan or where we are on the pathway but if we believe in the company and have the stomach to endure the pain of the SP then we should hopefully eventually be well rewarded.

If we can not tolerate the pain or don''t belive in the future potential then we should divest and move on.

I believe in the potential. The SP is painful, but a distraction. I sense we are much closer to some better times than some on his board may think. I hope I am not wrong.

Good luck.

almost 8 years ago
Brick by brick

Brick by brick they build it. No one ever got rich quick but slowly but surely they build it. However painful, we have to be patient. This stuff can change the world but it wont come in a flash. In the meantime enjoy your life.

over 8 years ago
Re: Will we get News? New WEBSITE?

I agree. Let them under promise and over achieve. It will be better mentally for us and better for the SP.

Good surprises are always better than disappointing ones.


over 8 years ago
Re: Peter Copetti

Think of it as a relay race. You pass the baton on to others and whilst the guy (or gal) who crosses the finishing line tends to get all the glory it's the collective skill of the team that deserve the applause and accolade. Different situations need different skills. I salute all of the POET team past and present who have helped to drive POET forward. You have my trust. Well done folks


over 8 years ago
The Economist

The Economist magazine this weeks explores the "Future of computing" and Moore's Law 'running out of steam'. I haven't read it yet but it might be an intereting read. I wonder if our beloved Poet will get a mention. The Economist has a powerful readership.


over 8 years ago
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