Burnt's Profile

Burnt's Posts

Re: 1 million shares @ .005

I placed the trade 3 seperate times and Schwab kept cancelling the order on my 4th try Schwab called me and told me they cannot find broker or MM to place trade (after they said they can't place trade I blacked out if you will....don't remember the exact reason. I've heard enough with this mess). Now like I said they restricted the stock.

over 11 years ago
Re: 1 million shares @ .005

I put an order in to sell some shares and Schwab couldn't find a MM to place order then restricted trading on it.

This blows...just want this ordeal over with...sick of seeing it in my account for 14 years

Oh well back to cave.

over 11 years ago
GRZ case

Anyone know when a decision is supposed to be reached with the GRZ case?

over 11 years ago
Re: Gold Reserve

Get with the program Civi....it is all Chavez fault why Fung looks so unprofessional. Chavez took our mine.

But wait didn't Chavez take GRZ mine also and GRZ is up 200%, not in bankruptcy, not having to borrow money at ridiculous %'s and their arbitration case almost over.

Makes you wonder.....

over 12 years ago
Re: Crystallex Issues Update on Amex Halt

I think this is all a ploy by Hugo to get our shares at a discounted price. Only to issue our permit in May.


over 13 years ago
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