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Bopeep's Posts

Im confused

Hi there all

is there anyone who can tell me if i can still submit my vote since i just got my package today.

Also cna some one explaine if the 3 we are supposedly to vote for are they all lories or is one of them or 2 of them from the green team or have the green team left us.

and why on earth would we change the name of the company or even agree to allow our shares to be cut back to 20 to 1

I may not have alot of shares in this but i payed good money for them i certainly dont want to loose any more money by devalued shares

sorry this turened out to be abit of a rant but any info would be nice and a point in the right direction.


over 10 years ago
Re: Any news from green team?

I have heard nothing as well from the green team.

But that being said ,that doesn't mean that nothing is happening. And I also believe that when they can things will be reported to all.

And as for those of you who did not donate to the green team why are you trying to stir up negativity towards those of us that did. All of us that donated did so and are doing so because we feel that is worth while and for our own reasons we don't need bashes coming here and trying make us feel like we were foolish to do so.

This has been a trying time for all of the SLI share holders and if things go as we all hope they will there will be good things to come

Just my opinion

almost 11 years ago
Re: The $90,000

Yes thank you Gil and Darcy for going above and beond to keep this comany and us share holders up to date and for taking all that money to save this company.

Mere thanks is hardly enough but to all share holders please give what you can to help Gil and Darcy stay the course.

I will be sending some more money to shortly

thank you again


over 11 years ago
Re: Analogy

I think this is why i dont even look at stock house,and never have.

There seem to be a lot of bad info relayed on that sight since its made of people who were inconsistant when they posted here.

I would sooner read info from people i trust than to read comments from people that have prven they are full of hot air

Just my opinion


over 11 years ago
Re: We have momentum on our side now!

Its not much but i too have another donation on the way.

it will be in the mail by morning

Go Green

over 11 years ago
Re: Day Two

I wish i could be there in court to hear and see whats happening.

This is the hard part is waiting for the out come of the daily events.

I can only emagen what its like for the Green Team they are probably even more eager

than we are to have this sharade end and get down to the real business of running this

company as it should be ran.

All my hopes and prayer go to the Green Team and my we all hear some good news soon

thanks Bopeep

over 11 years ago
Spruce Grove
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