Bliss Carman's Profile

Bliss Carman's Posts

Re: OK....I hear you all-cp

CAinPlap, you fail to understand it's not your 'right' to be part of this group but rather it's your 'privlege'. Clearly, it should be you that is suspended indefinitely.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Career suicide, certainty of success, other?

RTV: I can tell you this is the worst deal I have ever seen...I am personally calling for the resignation of Ajit

It no longer matters what you, I or any other retail investor thinks. This deal has taken the clout/influence away from the retail investor. Suresh believes that sp should have moved 'up and to the right' after each move the company made and in my opinion, blames the trading of the retail shareholder. So he brought in 'sophisticated investers' at the retail shareholders expense. Clearly and obviously, the balance of shareholder influence has been rebalanced to Suresh's satifaction. If I'm right, our next material NR will move sp 'up and to the right' significantly...along with every milestone to follow.

almost 8 years ago
Re: November 28


He is 'trying hard'. Don't be too hard on him. He can't help it.

All opinions matter. Even his.

almost 8 years ago
Re: financing - A Fantasy World...My Poet

You're a real tough guy Jeb.

almost 8 years ago
Re: financing - A Fantasy World...My Poet

I'll be sure to pay closer attention to your 'try-hard' posts moving forward.

You don't agree with a poster. So what. You have no right to tell anyone to 'knock it off'.

almost 8 years ago
Re: financing - A Fantasy World

Sula, I think you hit the nail on the head.

I agree with you 100%.

Time will tell.

almost 8 years ago
Bliss Carman
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