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Re: Andech, Mazan and Rainer

Yes, thanks to Rainer for making the trip, look forward to seeing that Slide document on the POET site or Agoracom link library.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Breakfast in Frankfurt

Andech wrote: So what poet is doing right now- if I have understood correctly their strategy: In the Datacenter - Business (the low hanging fruit- and ONLY there) they simply embrace all the potential enemies. In that way they avoid to fight against any headwinds on the customer side.

Fantastic posts by Andech and Mazan, the best posts we've had since Sept CC. It appears the company is showing wisdom by targetting the data centres - the low hanging fruit ONLY. POET technology is bringing a Paradigm shift, there will be a fight for the market beyond data centres. Reminds me of "War of the Currents" DC vs AC, which AC won out obviously a better power source. Yet, at the time the DC proponents did their best to smear AC in campaigns, even electrocuting animals at public events with AC. Their attempt to raise doubt or headwinds on the customer side. Tesla will be smiling now seeing mankind progress another step.

Nikolas Tesla was once quoted as saying, "There is a difference between Progress and Technology. Progress benefits Mankind. Technology does not necessarily do that. If you have a Technology that is polluting the planet, that is not Progress."

Don't take down your tree too early this year, could be another Christmas in January!

almost 9 years ago
Stock Fairy - where are you?

POET Technologies Welcomes Robert Ferri Partners As Investor Relations Counsel. November 2nd, 2015

Two and a half weeks on the payroll, starting to hear from fellow investors and forum members, not getting replies to emails and concerns with the POET web site. Surely we will receive some pixie dust soon...tomorrow?...What is would be like to be Robert Ferri, has POET got his tongue tied?

almost 9 years ago
Re: Going forward - take her to the moon for me

Looking at historical data from the PTK share price, you see some nice runs, gains, volume, followed by loss. Try to connect what was going on with the information we had at that time. Safe to say the stock has shown potential, but fell short of "Take her to the moon for me".

Looking forward to what remains to be answered for short term expectations as stated by CEO Suresh Venkatesan from the Sept 30 CC - 27:59 - Our initial product definition is underway, even as we continue to optimize the underlying technology and initiate the transfer to a foundry. Again, our next update will have more granularity. Between now and then, you’ll see more proof points from us.

We are nearing the half way point, 6 weeks past the Sept 30 CC with 7 weeks remaining until the January CC. It appears POET has chosen a more compact time frame to release these proof point NR's and how close we get to the Nasdaq remains to be seen. As in the past, we ran out of boost a few times. Suresh Venkatesan 30:21 – Second, we would like to assure you that we were resolved to be closer to investors.This is particularly important as we progress towards a NASDAQ listing application. A number of you have expressed interest in being even more supportive of the company. We areappreciative of you confidence and we are going to take you up on this. We are looking to have a truly platinum shareholder base with thoughtful,domain knowledgeable investors, what Silicon Valley often calls smart money. So you can expect more from us, more updates, more investor communications, and more material developments in the public domain.

I tend to believe POET is on track, lighting the fuse with the International Roadshows and hiring a new IR firm, which I would really like to see them "busy" preparing NR's. But, if POET truly wants to be on the Nasdaq by January they will need to unleash a sustained boost of proof point NR's. Otherwise, it may be just like sending Christmas cards to let us know they are still alive.

Will the new POET executive lighten the load for the Nasdaq by focusing resources on products and deals that will be vaildated in these upcoming proof point NR's?

almost 9 years ago
Re: Intel Smokscreen

My Poet wrote: I believe POET will wait until we have a commercially produced product in hand before we are fully out of Stealth mode.

Perhaps, we may get a sniff of what's in the oven before then with the January 2016 CC.Please observe the term "granular" used by CEO Suresh Venkatesan in the Sept. 30 CC:

11:44​ – In our next update, which we intend to have right after the end of the calendar year, I plan to give you a more granular view of how we intend to turn POET Technologies into a high­growth platform for the next generation of optical products and how we intend to begin achieving it in the first half of the next calendar year.

16:07​ – As we said at the outset, today we’re giving you a general overview of our operational initiative. We are not ready yet to get into granular details, but you can count on comprehensive details in the next update as we start executing up for the plans outlined today.

27:59​ – Simply put, POET’s vision is to enable the performance of light at the cost of copper – through innovation and integration. We don’t believe there is any optical solution thus far that has been cost competitive at copper interconnects. The POET platform could change that and thus create a discontinuity in traditional learning curves and create a market disruption. Our initial product definition is underway, even as we continue to optimize the underlying technology and initiate the transfer to a foundry. Again, our next update will have more granularity. Between now and then, you’ll see more proof points from us.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Intel Smokscreen

The saying goes, you can't fatten a cow if you are measuring him all the time. As much as we would like to know every detail about POET and what they are doing to fulfill their timelines, we should accept that POET's success will not be measured by what they accomplish, but by the opposition they have.

A barrier stands between POET and up listing to the Nasdaq. POET can't overtake a fortress with lightweight NR's like arrows and spears bouncing off stone walls. POET needs heavyweight seige engines to catapult a message with no question who will be victor at the end of the day. The timelines laid out by POET are drawing closer each day. POET will breach the barrier to the Nasdaq, it's only a matter of time. Looking forward to announcements leading up to the January Conference Call....Starting with a new Board of Director.


almost 9 years ago
FrootLoops, Barely Surviving, Not Feeling the Love From the Fruit Co.
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