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Re: When LBSR Grows UP

Any particular names you could mention?


almost 8 years ago
When LBSR Grows UP

Speaking strictly in the area of financial success, if I were to start a new five-and-dime store, I would hope it would grow up to be like Wal-Mart.

If I were to start a new fast food store, I would hope it would grow up to be like McDonalds.

If I were to start a new technology company, I would hope it would grow up to be like Microsoft, or Apple, or Google.

If I were to start a new financial company, I would hope it would grow up to be like Bank of America, or Citigroup.

If I were to start a new entertainment company, I would hope it would grow up to be like Disney.

So, financially speaking, what companies are there out there that we all hope LBSR will grow up to be like?


almost 8 years ago

So what's the good news that made the bottom drop out???

almost 8 years ago
Re: Metals prices

Seems sometimes more than the 'record' is broken.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Update

I would think, after all these years, it would be common sense that management would put out a press release if there was any good news that they could legally report. And if they do not put out any news, then it most likely means there is not any meaningful news that can be reported. Everybody would like to hear something one way or the other - it is just human nature. But there isn't anything they can post to this Board unless they notify everybody - too many rules and regulations would be violated.

Personally, I hardly ever check this Board or the stock price any more. It has become a waste of time.

almost 8 years ago
Re: long story short...

I backed off. If I could be sure at some point that the funds currently in the bank were in the $125-135,000 range, and if I could be sure that drilling would start when cash reached $150,000, I would be willing to put in the next $3000. From the earlier responses, I believe we could find 4-5-6 people who would buy another unit. And I would be willing to put in the final $3000 to hit the $150,000 mark.

But I'm a little skittish. It occurs to me that IF the PP unit money had been held exclusively for drilling, then right now we would quite possibly have hit, or be close to hitting, the $150,000. But of course it also occurs to me that if LBSR had not paid the claim fees and other necessary expenses, we would probably not have anywhere to drill.

So my offer is still on the table - just gonna require more positive answers before I put up the money.

almost 8 years ago
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