Bigdipper's Profile

Bigdipper's Posts

Re: Signal being sent PC?

I think this also shows that management has told us everything material to their monitization path. Just to put to rest any speculation to those that believe they are holding back announcing prototype results or pending deals. All in all a very good signal of confidence by senior management in their developing products!

almost 9 years ago
Re: Company promotion (phil-v)

Maybe a coincidence with Instinet buying as of late? A lot of large lots being bought. As one of the posters mentioned earlier, possibley more outside interest now and new investors coming on board?

almost 9 years ago
Re: TSX or NAS

You are correct: my bad use of terminology. FMV also reported in $C value.

almost 9 years ago
Re: TSX or NAS

Not sure I entirely agree with your 15% withholding tax statement. That only applies to dividends or other income recieved by the foreign investment. As a canadian resident, I have traded several US listed (no Canadian listing) stocks and paid my share of Canadian tax on 50% of the capital gains after converting to $C. Dividends paid to me by the US stock was subject to the withholding tax and all documentation and tax slips were provided to me. As far as I know, PTK is not planning on starting a dividend distribution any time soon!

One thing the CRA does require to report is any foreign property owned that is cost over $100,000. As far as I know, there is no tax applies to this and is just to keep the CRA snooping in your affairs and is just accounting paperwork.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Lets take a vote!

Shorters pile into a stock if they see an oppurtunity to make a profit in anticipation of a slide in the share price. PTK, imo, offered that over the last year (+) if a traders played it right with news releases and lack of. One tool for investors to predict how a stock will perform in the near term is to look at it's short position. A stock that has had volitility and poor news, delays, bad press releases or commentary etc will see it's percentage of shorts increase. That is not what is happening currently with PTK. The short position has dramatically dropped over the past 30 days. This is encouraging and supports the positive developments described in the recent news releases and the fine commentary by this boards' members that attended the AGM. I anticipate happy times coming shortly!!


over 9 years ago
Lines in the sand

Not sure why some posters are beginning to anticipate perceived deadlines looming and what- ifs. This cycle of messaging continues... it's what the traders like to see on message boards.

over 9 years ago
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