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Most unusual

The share price hits a new 12 month high with good turnover - on a Friday and 5 days after the last news release. Most unusual for a junior stock.
There must be very high optimism that they really have found where the Peacock boulders came from.
Finish the IP survey and get a hole drilled ASAP!

over 10 years ago
Drilling at Area 53

I am assuming the drilling commenced successfully at Area 53 a week or so ago. Does anyone know any details about the drilling program? How deep is the first hole likely to go? If it is not very deep then is it possible that they are seeing drill cores of target zones already? Will management be sending cores for assaying as soon as they possibly can, especially as they are excited about the possiblities of Area 53?

I guess what I am wondering is what is the earliest time that we will hear news? Another 4 or so weeks?

about 12 years ago
Any news on drill results?

In a news release dated 11 April, we were told 'the Company reports that the recent drill program at REN 8 and Area 55 was completed on schedule. The sampling of NQ drill core from that project has been sent to the laboratory and results are expected shortly.'

Does anyone have any idea of when the company will release these results?

over 12 years ago

Has anyone heard if drilling has started yet? I am hoping the company finally has a drill bit turning under it's name.

over 12 years ago
Re: Bold and Rencore to Merge

I'm ok with the reasons for the merger. I just don't agree that it is at fair and reasonable value for the BOL shareholders.

almost 13 years ago
Re: BOL-RNC 1:1 Merger!

My fears regarding this merger have been confirmed today with the RNC share trades. The RNC SP has gone from $0.10 to $0.15 on the merger news. Why? Because value is being transfered from BOL shareholders to RNC shareholders.

How can it be that a merger of two companies is allowed to happen where all shares in both companies are valued equally? BOL has more net assets and a higher market cap than RNC yet that is being ignored in this merger.

I was hoping that the stock exchange rules would not allow such a merger but obviously the protection of the small, minority investors is not there.

I only own shares in BOL and I feel this merger disadvantages me. RNC shareholders get to "eat their cake and keep it too" i.e. a couple of months ago RNC and BOL had about the same level of net assets (after Dundee Corp invested in both companies), but since then RNC has drilled some holes that turn out to be duds. Would they have shared the gains with BOL if they had turned out to be winners? No. But if there are successful results from BOL's prospects then we now have to share the gains with RNC.

The merger should not have been on an equal basis and it should not have taken place until BOL had drilled some of it's best prospects.

For what it is worth, I will not be voting in favour of this merger.

almost 13 years ago
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