Bencro's Profile

Bencro's Posts

Re: The BAPE effect

Nice post Brymstone.

over 13 years ago
Vermont wants more natural gas from Gaz Metro (Quebec)

Got this from Derecks on SH. Fowarded it to all Lowlands players, Arcand and Normandeau's offices and to QEC. Demand is there.

over 13 years ago
Re: New poll.

Canucks44 ... Nice action of cancelling LaPresse. I made them believe the same last December. But in your case, that's for real. Cool.

Just hoped you send a specific comment to these LaPresse journalists as this is important that they know someone cancelled because of all that clear and intented gimmick and manipulation from some of their colleagues;

To: (editor in chief)


Ignore Charles Côté. He's simply a grano moron that manipulates with the activists that simply don't want of this resource.

P.S.: Just be briefed in your email to them. Express a view that is firm and indisputable. Something like this (but don't use this one as I used it in December);

Mr. Pratte,

I've been following the coverage on the shale gas subject with interest over the last few months. But without a doubt now, the coverage of LaPresse has lacked professionalism and showed clear and obvious manipulation and links with activists. Simply immature. The number of articles and false allegations speak for themsleves. Simply immature from a pretending "serious" newspaper.

I have cancelled my subscrption (ref. # ....) as of xx/xx. Can't stand it no more.

over 13 years ago
Halliburton: NON-chemical frac fluid ...

Got this excellent link from Charlie29 on Stockhouse ...

Halliburton Company Analyst Meeting
Wednesday, November 10, 2010 8:00 a.m. CT

clic on webcast and move to the 1:16:00 time part

-recycling 95% of frac fluids with non-chemical treaments
-Patented frac fluid system made of ingredients sourced exclusively from the food industry

almost 14 years ago
Positive support

From André Boisclair, ex PQ leader, the current opposition party in Quebec.

The natural gas industry in Quebec must be developed. Lets face it he says. It's all about managing the risk as no risk at all doesn't exist in any industry. So lets secure the risk and lets move on he says.

With this type of speech, activists are clearly losing ground and support. The Lowlands will be developed. Don't worry. Social acceptance is gonna improve with such speech from an ex-minister of Environment.

Jean Charest (Prime minister of Quebec) and Michael Sabia (CEO of Caisse de Dépôt et de Placement (CDP)) will also talk at this conference. Expect Michael Sabia to hint investments in energy and natural resources like he did back in September. CDP could soon be a major stakeholder in JNX, GMR, etc ...

almost 14 years ago
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