Bazz19's Profile

Bazz19's Posts

Re: Opinions on ECU performance/ manipulation/ communication

Very nice, Mrsoul. Your post is proof that tact, fairness, and honesty still exist on this board (the lack thereof forced me to leave the other board). You put into words what I had been thinking, however I could not have said it so eloquently. Thanks.

about 14 years ago
Re: some facts about production from Velardena/gwr1

Well said!!! And just to add to the start of your post, let's be honest...only a complete moron would spend the day continuously bashing a stock they don't own (unless they are being paid to do so), and a bigger moron would do the same while claiming to hold shares.

over 16 years ago
Re: some facts about production from Velardena

Hi Coach, nice post. I have been a holder of ECU for many years, and will still be here when the lid blows off this stock, which imo is not too far off. I have been a member of SH for sometime now and, even though it has degenerated to cesspool status, still browse periodically to get a laugh (yes it is quite humorous) to read some of the posts from the obvious bashers. They are really quite transparent in their attempt to run down ECU, either showing ignorance as to their interpretation of "the facts", or twisting a selected part of a NR to promote a very inaccurate point of view. Thanks for your insightful posts. It is a delight to get some positive feedback from one who has actually visited ECU, and has the knowledge to pass on the information in an accurate manner.

over 16 years ago
Re: New Visitor/gwr1

Glad I could lighten the sour mood a bit that day at SH, I appreciate your saying so. I've always enjoyed your posts over at the other board, and look forward to reading them here.

over 16 years ago
New Visitor

Finally dropped by to see what the fuss was all glad I did!! What a refreshing change from SH where the ECU Board has become a disgrace. I only posted occasionally there, usually to bash a basher. It's nice to be in a positive environment.

over 16 years ago
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