Bartender's Profile

Bartender's Posts

Re: Unrealistic expectations.....Al

And what exactly would we be marketing ?

almost 11 years ago
Re: I'll rebuy at .135

What did you sell out at ?

almost 11 years ago
Re: How to Increase Share Value or Keep PTSC In Pennyland - kurtbusch

Yeah. Hopefully nobody with a brain could be serious about a TV commercial for Patriot.
I can see the commercial now. Tommy Lee Jones in a denim jacket standing on the flame of the Statue of Liberty with the Rocky Mountains in the background. "Hi. I am Tommy Lee Jones. Let me tell you about Patriot. We don't produce a product or provide a service.... in fact at the moment we got nothing. But that doesn't stop us and it shouldn't stop you. There's a 50% chance we're going to make some quick cash. If we're lucky. And the Board of Directors doesn't steal it. Are you feeling lucky? I am. Buy some shares today. Let's all get ...Patriotic.....

almost 11 years ago
Re: GAP !!!!!!!!

You forgot..." this thing's got legs!"

almost 11 years ago
GAP !!!!!!!!

.Sorry.....I just always wantedx to say that.

almost 11 years ago
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