Barley's Profile

Barley's Posts

Re: Someone sold 61 cents worth of TYHJF

End of year tax-loss selling.  The tax deduction from the loss more than offsets the $7.39 cost of the transaction.  If the seller still believes in Tyhee, he either bought some more than 30 days ago, or plans to buy some at least 30 days from now (riskier, considering the pending news in the next month).

almost 8 years ago
News Update

Interesting tidbit at the end...

"While Tyhee also remains interested in adding suitable assets to its portfolio, the Company’s nearer term focus is on reviving its operations and resuming trading."

almost 9 years ago
Re: Tyhee must be very confident to publicly say:

Have you not noticed that this news article as well as the last please release do not mention acquiring Sutter at all? You should ask them about this change in messaging.

almost 9 years ago
Re: What is up with Tyhee?

I was about to ask the same thing. Can't find any news on Tyhee or Sutter.

about 9 years ago
Re: Dr. Hans Black Steps Down from Tyhee Board

It is very telling that they did not server ties with him completely.

about 9 years ago
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