Babaoriley's Profile

Babaoriley's Posts

Re: Integration

I hear you, BCD, and half agree, but the other half says we have not easily resolvable issues with the revolutionary stuff, while the new people may be coming to work based the DL portion of the company.   Thus, I'm hoping if we are unable to come through with the VCSEL the way we have envisioned, that the rest of the business can be grown to justify a little higher market cap than we now have.

over 7 years ago
Re: The future of the iPhone 8

Based on the share price (market cap) alone and it's recent direction, it would not seem that we have much completed, certainly not an alpha prototype.  Share price is only one indicator, of course, but I would say it's been an accurate one for many, many months.  I just don't believe things can be kept as secret as many here believe.

No rumors of buyouts at $3 or $4 with big shareholders told to resist such temptation?  LOL

over 7 years ago
Re: All roads...Sula

Sula, you wrote:

"I say good luck to anyone who read the writing on the wall back then."

The ones more in need of luck are those who did not read the writing on the wall.  

over 7 years ago
The Board is back to optimism

OMG, all these optimistic, uplifting posts after a prolonged period of downers (certainly including mine).  I guess I'll just have to wait for the downer spirit to once again prevail, so I can feel more in my own element.  Geez, it's like the first rays of dawn hitting a vampire.  When I see so many positive posts, I get all discombobulated trying to dovetail that with our share price behavior.  I just about get vertigo!

For fun, guys, good luck to us, and good luck to our new President down here in Southern Canada, who'da thunk it?

over 7 years ago
Re: Valuing POET

Well, it looks like more and more of us are figuring out just how speculative and difficult it is to change the tech world.  Some excellent posts on the topic!

The theme of the last offering to the "sophisticated investors":  the desired tech is taking a lot longer to achieve than we thought, we're going to need some bridge money, but we'll make sure you're not at any risk in buying the units, and, with your warrants, you'll even end up having a shot at the big money if we succeed."

I'm very sure POET is trying their best, but if, indeed, the whole thing is still seen as possible, I have to join the camp that says someone with bigger money will have to step in. 

The share price continues to be evidence, although certainly not conclusive, of the state of affairs.


over 7 years ago
Re: What I don't like

Lots not to like, actually, people leaving, committees disbanded, and the liptstick put on by many, "their jobs were done here."  Nope.  Not buying that.  It is good to get the TRAB out of the way, it was good when we first learned of it, but then nothing, absolutley nothing.  

Subhash leaving is not what I wanted to hear; of all the management types, he was by far the one who came across as the most honest and forthright.  Hate to see him gone.  "His job is done," yeah, right, you come in to a speculative company, you "do your job" and then you leave?  No.  

Of course, hiring these new people could be very good, but I'd love to know under what circumstances they left their previous jobs.  

Throw all of that in with the share price, and we're still a long ways off from anything meaningful in terms of market moving.  

A Beautiful Poem says he won't post again - ha ha!!

over 7 years ago
Los Angeles
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