BOSSY19's Profile

BOSSY19's Posts

Re: Playing the Blame Game


I never thought of it like that, but no friggin' kidding...yikes

over 11 years ago
Re: Transparency

Amen Goldenticket..........Amen

over 11 years ago
Re: Not Good News

I'm guessing it's only going to be 3 until the AGM in 2013, then up to 5.

almost 12 years ago

I just got my control numbers from CIBC as well. They furnished both the Management and Opposition control numbers. The Opposition control numbers worked fine for voting GREEN, but the Management numbers do not match what I was mailed earlier. I will keep them for future reference should they be required, but all three of our accounts are now GREEN.

Good Luck all

almost 12 years ago
Re: Supreme court


As I look at the WHITE Proxy, I can vote For, Against or Withhold for all the Items. If for some reason I am unable to obtain my GREEN Proxy Control Numbers (CIBC), can I vote Against, on the items I disagree with....For, on the items I agree with.....and Withhold on the election of the Directors? Does that not work in favor of our GREEN Proxy, or am I missing something.


almost 12 years ago
Re: Formal Complaints By Email

Thank you

almost 12 years ago
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