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Re: Other ways- FJ

FJ the way your spinning this after BCD's poll is not adding up.... who are you trying to protect and why? And yes it is accusatory. It's blatantly obvious it's not retail, my god it's the most recommended post ever on PTK agoracom and you decide to just say no everyone's wrong... fishy to say the least.

almost 8 years ago
Re: US Vol.

All the speculators are invested now, we're in a holding period. The speculators hold on fear/excitement of missing/blasting off on the big announcement. The next jump will be when the big money on the sidelines see a revenue announcement/big name partnership attached to our little wonder company. I can't spell it out any more plainly than that for everyone talking about SP on a daily basis. Eather they hit their goals and we jump big or there is a set back on the timelines and we drop. We have no reason not to believe management is not on target as they said themselfs. The market has decided until further developments that 1$ is what PTK is worth until further goals/partnerships are achieved. Now go have a drink, smoke whatever you smoke, have a bath or fiddle your diddle, whatever keeps your preoccupied until then.

over 8 years ago

I really am fully at peace with my investment. So the short term sp is w/e. However, I am shocked that the market has reacted so poorly to such a bullish announcment. When I talk to people about POET some times I feel like I'm talking to a wall. Like I said I'm very happy but wow speculation is dead currently in the market place.

over 8 years ago
Not sure what the rejoicing is about...

I would like to see Sheldon and pinetree out of the picture as much as the next person. However for someone who is that in the know, to dump all of his shares, literally scares the crap out of me.

Do I think POET can be successful? With out question. But I would suggest that the big expected sustained increase in SP is further away than many believe. I now have no immediate expectations of getting rich quick. That excitement for me is gone. However, I am prepared to be a long. This will depend on how detailed the new management is explaining what their plans are for the technology in the short in long term. If they remain murky on the direction of the company I am out completely. It's time to be detailed POET tell me what is the new or existing business model for this company with so much potential. How will revenue be achieved? It's time to tell us.

about 9 years ago
Re: OP-ED....Speculation Alert

At the AGM it was said the the roadmap advisory board had not even met yet. There is a 0.1% chance poet is mentioned what so ever in the upcoming Apple event. Just being real...

about 9 years ago
Re: Accountability

Sheldon would not have cleared the time needed to buy or sell PTK, due to knowing material information from being on the BOD. I mean it was just last week? Surely there is a time frame that is regulated before he can make such trades? If someone could confirm or refute my statement it would be appreciated.

about 9 years ago
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