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B212's Posts

Re: KWG vs Canada Chrome vs Noront - very interesting legal ruling

that the licensee must be present in the area under staking at the time of staking the area. The Mining Recorder found that Mr. Pye was indeed in the area, even though he did not have his feet on the ground at all times.

Great stuff that legends are made of....

almost 10 years ago
Re: Power grid connection for First Nations to save millions, report says

more pie in the sky economics.....what is the cost of installing power lines, and equipment over thousands of square miles, not cheap by any measure, an area the size of France....right of ways have to be forged, towers erected, enviormental concerns addressed, and of course, consent from the local populations....Canada has a 145 year suppy of Natural Gas, better to install a number of gas electrical plants, than run wires all over the swamp.

almost 10 years ago
Re: ROF development plans spurred by Ontario’s outrageous energy prices

but remember, Ontario is installing 50 new wind generators at Seaforth....while we here play softball, the world moves ahead....daily we in Ontario/Canada are being locked out of heavy industry planning

almost 10 years ago
Re: Environmental NGO Solutions for the Ring of Fire??

I guess these interlopers, haven't read the Ontario Far North Act....which is the most restrictive piece of socialist control of the north ever written....

about 10 years ago
KWG on a roll....fly

from the G&M....

Earlier this week, Cliffs sent the First Nations in the area a letter saying it was exploring alternatives. “We should expect there will be a change, with a sale of the project one of the potential outcomes,” Bill Boor, Cliffs’ executive vice-president of corporate development, said in a letter that was viewed by The Globe and Mail.

A Cliffs spokeswoman confirmed the letter had been sent.

Cliffs suspended the project late last year after numerous delays and difficult discussions with the province and the First Nations communities near the vast deposit about 500 km north of Thunder Bay.

The province has touted the Ring of Fire as the economic engine for Northern Ontario. But its future appears bleak.

The deposit is pretty much inaccessible by road today. It is surrounded by nine Matawa First Nations, which have been clashing with the province’s government on how to develop the project. The downturn in commodity prices has hurt the mining industry and investors have little interest in funding projects.

Cliff’s decision to suspend the project last year was a wake-up call for the Ontario government, which promised to work with companies to build the infrastructure needed to move ore out of the remote area.

Cleveland-based Cliffs has spoken to a Canadian junior mining firm, KWG Resources Inc., according to KWG, which also has chromite deposits in the area.

“We have discussed the transaction. We are busy lining up the money and we are almost there,” KWG’s chief executive officer Frank Smeenk said in an interview.

It’s not clear, however, whether any deal with KWG could be realized. Mr. Smeenk declined to comment on his source of funding. His company last traded at 4 cents a share.

Mr. Smeenk said he started talking to Cliffs after shareholders ousted the American miner’s previous management and appointed Lourenco Goncalves as CEO.

“Lourenco and I have talked a couple times. He has confirmed that he would like to sell and we would like to buy,” Mr. Smeenk said.

A spokeswoman for Cliffs declined to comment on KWG, and said a decision about whether to sell the asset has not been made.

Chromite is used in chrome plating and steel making, among other uses. The steel industry has been hit by a glut of supply and weak demand in China.

about 10 years ago
Re: ROF Development Corporation Should Include Wide Range of Issues

Laura Brown: I have always enjoyed your posts....but this one I would challenge.....

The objective here in the RoF is build a mine....we simply can't hang all the social issues of the local populations, on to the mine development....by the tone of this post, it is implied that safe drinking water is required before local approval to advance the RoF....it is the Federal, and Provincial governments that are responsible for the social issues, not a mining company.

about 10 years ago
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