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Luxmux and Agar Corporation

Luxmux is selling it's products to Agar Corporation. Interesting read and how big Agar is in their field.



over 7 years ago
Re: Racing to Offer Mobileye 'Killer Chip'

Management and directors can also suffer from fatigue. That's why it's critical to get the share price up

over 7 years ago
Re: Try to be objective (re-Subhash)

Mono, I believe POET will succees, but I am very fearful our return will be far less than we are hoping for. I don't see POET making it on it's own and I believe they will be acquired. 


Unfortunately not for what we are think it's worth. Seen this many times and experienced it. 

over 7 years ago
Re: Try to be objective (re-Subhash)

I believe POET will be successful. The problem I have is every day, week, year that goes by I will get less and less of my return.

I first invested in the solar days when TENS OF MILLIONS of revenue was promised. Then Shephard got involved and said they would sell POET for about a billion, give or take. Wow I thought if they sell for that I will be a millionaire

And of course they changed direction. New players, revolving door. Now it's PET. The electrical component of POET. Under development and then POOF disappears.

Queue the revolving door and change of plans. PET no longer talked about, now it's AOC and blue Ocean. Expects results soon. Sunami of options and more options. Then guess what? AOC is put on back burner and Detector now first product. Been almost a year since they said the detector was under 'Advanced' discussions for NRE. I shudder to think how long 'early' discussions would take. 

When I first invested there were 80m shares outstanding. It's now approaching 300m. And we still have no revenue from POET design.

I am tired of being told NRE is around the corner and they are under NDA with several major companies. And I'm tired of posters here not caring about the share price. It matters and it's been shown to matter several times.

I am tired of waiting.

over 7 years ago
Re: Try to be objective (re-Subhash)

Mo, if I was a shorter at .35 pennies i'm clearly not very good at it


And your reply was what I expected.

over 7 years ago
Re: Try to be objective (re-Subhash)

how long have you been a shareholder Mo?

over 7 years ago
Saint John
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