Astoria's Profile

Astoria's Posts

Re: XRF Technology

Perhaps this explains Lori's confident "Now" response when asked by the BNN reporter when she felt she had finally made it. It would also explain her apparent lack of concern for the current share price.

over 12 years ago
Re: Too much DD?

Not from my perspective Sculpin. The DD that you and the other hub leaders have done, and then so generously shared, has been invaluable to me.

The DD that has been shared has given me faith in SLI's potential, and the confidence to continue holding.

At this point I would like to express my gratitude for the sharing of info that has kept me from locking in a loss. If in fact this does not play out as we longs all hope and expect, I personally take full responsibility for my own fate.


over 12 years ago
Re: What an improvement - much better!

Don't ever forget Lori, Lloyd and Murry have more money in this company, and more potential for gain than any of us. They want the best bang for their buck as well.


over 12 years ago
Re: Activity for this week

Bow, don't mean to step on your toes but it might look better this way.

(1g/ton)(1 ton/1000kg)(1 kg/1000g) It looks goofy on a computer screen, but if you write it out on paper you can see how the units cancel and you end up with 1/1000000, ie. 1ppm

over 12 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on strategy

Sounds reasonable enough to me Newbie. I would also like to thank Sculpin for his never ending efforts to keep us, as shareholders, informed, confident, and in the play.

over 12 years ago
Re: Todays close?

Thanks T&J

over 12 years ago
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