April's Profile

April's Posts

Re: Is There Anything Brewing Here?

Reverse split was another stupid decision by mgmt. soon we will be back down to a penny

almost 10 years ago
Re: Hellooo????

So does anyone know if GNH is going ahead with the 30/1 stock split ? Awfully quiet since approval.

about 10 years ago
Re: Golden Hope Mines Announces Results of the Annual General Meeting and

30-1 stock consolidation passes, Frank gets re-elected. Guess somethings just never change. Below is how I see the next 12 months shaping out:

1) After the 30-1 share consolidation, share price will eventfully dip down to the 5 cent mark or lower again.
2) GNH board will urge current shareholders to buy, buy, buy.... "Throwing more money away is the only way to lower your holding price" they will tell us.
3) GNH board will do another share consolidation again once the share price drops ... Likely 10-1.
4) More board turnover ... But Frank will remain President and continue to blame market conditions.
5) The company will de-list itself from the venture exchange.
6) We will undergo a name change.
7) Sasha will be back and granted share options.


about 10 years ago
Vote Before It's Too Late

Please get your votes in before it's too late, and vote No to the share consolidation.

about 10 years ago
Re: GNH Share Consolidation will make us vulnerable to fall again

I submitted my proxy vote online yesterday. I voted against. Hope all shareholders vote against the share consolidation. I also with held my vote for Frank.

over 10 years ago
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