Andre-1's Profile

Andre-1's Posts

Re: Andre-1 your most likely Fatman from Aru

Rocket Red: Clearly I have offended you and for that I do apologize. It would have been more fun had you thrown an extra 'p' into hoping... (sorry 'bout that too)

I would like to get your feedback on the company website hosting a Q&A forum.

Sincerely, best wishes RR,


about 15 years ago
RE: rumours/innuendo - one sharedholder's suggestion/wish

Rocket Red: Sadly, I too find your posting to be somewhat suspicious; I'm sure your intentions were good, perhaps your interpretation of what was said has been somewhat embellished?

I'm sure that any innuendo and rumours (be they true or false) would easily be avoided if public companies, in particular our EVG, would host a Q&A forum on their websites whereby any shareholder could pose a question to the company to be answered by an authorized company representative; these questions should be organized (preferably organizable) by relevance and of course sorted by date. Perhaps EVG would consider doing this, they have been very transparent and accomodating thus far (ie. the requested drilling status web page). It would also benefit EVG by avoiding redundant phone calls and emails.

Anyone else concur? Is anyone already doing this?

Best wishes, Andre

PS: Rocket Red: please stop misusing the word too, it should be to - thanks. Thanks for your many posts, I do find some of them interesting.

about 15 years ago
Nautilus management not getting the job done

To the Nautilus management team:

It amazes me the amount of money Nautilus has gone through; probably close to 100,000,000.00 dollars since January '08. Investors like myself are losing faith in the dream and management's ability to get the job done.

At this point, all exploration should stop!! Without a mining permit/license the deposits might as well be on the moon. Close your foreign offices and fire/layoff all non-essential personal. Nautilus needs to get on with the business of proving the viability of mining the ocean floor by running a scaled down version of the planned mining operation.

This ship is SINKING!! New financing will become increasingly difficult and I for one will not invest any more of my hard earned cash in what appears to be an incompetently managed company!

- perhaps the board/management needs to be replaced

1. Fire/layoff all non-essential personal
2. Get a mining license.
3. Trial mine using scaled down equipment to work out the inevitable problems
4. Become self sufficient now.

Anyone else share my sentiments?

about 15 years ago
Prima lines up Syrian distributor, 14,000-litre order


A new Prima Developments Ltd. distributor has been signed up for Syria along with an initial purchase order comprising over 14,000 litres. This is confirmation of the sales and distribution network being established by the Entech coatings group. A recent trade show in Syria generated serious interest for the product from developers and contractors in the region, and this order includes a full spectrum of the product line to service that interest.

The climate in Syria is dry and hot, and winters are mild, which make it an ideal candidate for the Entech product. With a gross domestic product of over $36-billion, the Syrian Arab Republic is positioned to be a good consumer and is expected to contribute to the extensive sales growth of Entech coatings.

Prima Developments is pleased to see this order for a new region and is confident that sales orders will build and are anticipating many more orders as projects initiate in the country. Prima Developments' management believes that the addition of another major distributor gives Entech coatings a solid presence in the region, and confirms the company's intention to have key distributors throughout the whole of the Middle East.

about 15 years ago
Re: Neptune Technologies reports first quarter results and updates

Don't miss the gem in the news release:

...During that time, the sales and marketing team has continued to fill the order books and secured volume commitments for the next six months. ...

Next quarter's earnings should be the best yet - and then the Bayer impact will follow.

about 15 years ago
Re: HAT / NCR combination (share update)

Did you factor in the 3,960,000 NCR shares that Dennison will receive? (C$ 495,000/.125)

Denison has notified Northern that it is exercising its right to convert the CDN$495,000 principal plus all accrued interest earned on a convertible loan made to Northern as part of the Arrangement Agreement into common shares of Northern at a price of CDN$0.125 per share...

about 15 years ago
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