AncientDragon's Profile

AncientDragon's Posts

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Like OptionsGal I now have, from a cousin, a record on my mothers side back 10 generations to 1624.

Also, from Ancestry dna test, I am only 54% German, but also 19 % Irish! Cannot wait for St. Patricks Day!!!!!

almost 8 years ago
Re: Opt-in

Took me over 3 months, got my ok last week. Hang in there

almost 8 years ago
Re: Opt-in

Thanx! Same tro you.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Opt-in

Agreed. I hope I live lon enough; starting tto wonder though, at 83. I will keep on hangin on.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Opt-in

I too, just received email fromDelna confirming that they now have all the info necessary etc.

Been a two month + process but that is not much in the longer scheme of things.


almost 8 years ago
Waiting, Patiently?.

I too am waiting to hear more from Gowlings. I am sure they are swamped, and in a BS fog being laid down by Fung et al.

Delna aknowledged my ID over 2 months ago, requesting more detailed info on my holdings, which I sent about 2 months ago. Have not heard any add'l acknowledgement, or anything else.

But, I will stay hopeful.

almost 8 years ago
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