Alton's Profile

Alton's Posts

Re: Not much left to say

Sorry to hear about your Mother. Peace!

almost 9 years ago
Happy 4th Everyone

And lets hope it will be peaceful!

about 9 years ago
Re: NDoC Pacer: Novatel Settles

"IT IS ORDERED that all pending motions are hereby deemed withdrawn by the parties

and this matter is DISMISSED with prejudice and without costs to any party."

Not being a lawyer perhaps someone else can enlightened me. Does the above quote mean that this settlement does not involve a monetary reward but rather it implies a simple agreemnt that there is no infringement?

about 9 years ago
Re: NDoC Pacer: no ruling yet...informer


My dear friend, why do you waste such time responding to such a fool. He offers neither insight nor anything remotely informative to this forum.

Just ignore the damn fool.

over 9 years ago
Re: Executive compensation...Alton

Happy Easter everyone.

My comment was not intended to be a critism. Just an observation.

Now for my rant.

You are quite right about compensation. Difficult to understand the level of compensation at PTSC. Then again many large corporations pay ridiculous compensation. CEOs load their boards with friends and they in turn grant obscene compensation packages. They sit on each others boards. In the real world it is called conspiracy to commit fraught and theft. In the executive suites they call it the need to retain top talent.

over 9 years ago
Chatham, NJ
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